
It will be hilarious when you buy a used Ford vehicle and then find out that the original owner had not paid for the software upgrade to make the air conditioning work and you have to pay $2,000 for it. 

It will be hilarious when 100,000 Ford F-150 trucks all show up at their respective dealerships because a bug told them that all were behind on payments. 

It will be hilarious when the vehicle drives off with the owner’s baby in the back seat. 

Rules for compliments:

Sex Dungeon!

It’s because your mother didn’t love you enough. 

G’day mate! Throw another shrimp on the barbe!

Highballs and key parties. 

Punch someone, he falls and cracks their head open, you go to jail for manslaughter because he bumped into you and spilled your drink.

If he takes his shoes off, walk away.

I would love to see the list of people that bought DWAC stock in the months running up to the announcement and then ask each of them affiliated with the Republican party or Trump to provide their independent source or how they became aware of DWAC as an investment.

Be equally careful with “throwaway ticketing”.

I take a standard Big Mac, cut it into four equal sections, skewer each section from top to bottom, beer batter each section, and then deep fry them until the batter is crispy.

Why would you open the door?

There is always someone worse sneaking up behind the latest food industry douchebag looking to know them off of their blonde-tipped thrown. 

I hate to tell you that, but whether you dine at my house or a restaurant, that’s about what you are getting.

I’ve found that a chorus of “Singing in the rain” or “Twinkle Twinkle” will do it. I do it silently and suggest the same.

Does anyone think that Olivia Rodrigo did not get PAID for that? It was just some kind of cosmic coincidence? Right....

Religion is for idiots and Mormonism gives Scientology a race for its money on the stupid scale.

Long-term Sunbasket customer. We tried them all and this was the best, by far. Really unique recipes. Lots of Middle Eastern dishes and unique spices and flavors. With the others, we got tired of salmon and green beans.