
When the first atomic bomb was set off, the REAL scientists were unsure what would actually happen. They had some concern that the earth’s atmosphere could burst into flames and destroy the planet.

Doctor Strange is just one giant walking Deus ex machina. Even in his own movies, his powers ebb and flow as needed to support the plot. He is battling evil and getting his ass kicked one minute and then suddenly pulls it out with some power that he had all along, but only at the last critical moment.

15 years of all the above and going strong. The key is that BOTH partners do it. If it is just one, then it is a sign of a problem. If you both do it, it is a sign that you are a typical married couple.

Two words: Recommendation engine

Ask yourself: “Am I using the horn as intended to warn others of danger? Or am I using it to express frustration? And if it is out of frustration, what am I REALLY frustrated about? Probably not that driver.”

“coastal grandmother” is not a thing. It is a handful of annoying influencers trying to get free press. Unfortunately, Lifehacker gave it to them. 

5.) All measurements by weight in metric. 

Who ya’ gonna call?

By law, you can go in and buy any prescription drug — you don’t need a card. If you are buying alcohol in California, Hawaii, or several other states, you also do not need a membership card. It’s because of the way the state laws are set up.

Dude, you drive a 2002 Nissan Sentra, you don’t have a Bugatti sponsorship deal.”

Hide an increase in the amount of paid advertising by allowing users to post advertising.

It’s not a casserole, it is a loaf of bread with pizza sauce poured over the top with melted cheese.

Criminal negligence.

It’s hilarious that “day trading” still ropes in new suckers every day.

whether this is actual grieving remains an open question"

You only need one red flag: They refer to themselves as an “influencer”. Influencers get paid to influence. Not to produce returns for you.

Says my trust fund friend who tries to not pay for anything: “I didn’t get rich by paying for things.”

On a date, she asked for one of my ribs from the slab I had ordered. I declined. She was stunned. I said that if she wanted a rib, she could order a half-rack. I had ordered a full rack and was quite sure I would eat them all. It was a legendary rib place. She let it slide and ordered a half-rack.

I knew that sharing salary information was the right thing to do the minute my company’s “VP of People” told the company sharing salary information with other employees was not allowed.  She is the evil head of an evil department. Whatever they want me to do, I know the right thing is the exact opposite.