
How does this impact the Facebook tools my groups use to SPREAD misinformation?

That reminds me, I was going to stream "Black Klansman" again. 


Official sanctions should be backed-up with a general consumer and corporate boycott.

Let’s anthropomorphize our pets less.

Everyone hates their HOA until they need their HOA. 

Kids are dumb.

This is like Myers-Briggs for relationships and I don’t mean that in a good way.

I’m concerned that these thieves are going to break into my backyard and steal the dog shit in the yard back there.

At some point, you should age out of caring about vibe shift. Probably in your mid-20's. That’s why “vibe shift” happens. It’s not really a shift, it is people aging out and young people creating their own new or ironically recycled “vibe”. It isn’t the same people changing to a new vibe.

381 trips. Score of 4.92

The guy that died was probably already doing coke in the bathroom and the MDMA pushed him over the edge.

There used to be a time when working at a company like Facebook guaranteed that you would be recruited hard and on the other side that the person was talented.

Those days have long come and gone on both sides. There is no longer any cache to be working at Facebook. It is just the same old software company doing the

Joe "I'm Not A Nazi, but Neo-Nazis Love Me" Rogan

Florida officials would choose a white on white dessert.


If you are thinking about an investment in a bidet, an upcoming colonoscopy can be a good reason to make the purchase.  A heated seat and a pleasant warm water rinse will definitely help mitigate the misery of colonoscopy prep. 

Two words: Parallel construction. Those 15 people are all in jail and have no idea what was really behind their arrest and conviction.

If I get the task done in less than 10 minutes, I take the remaining time as part of the break. It’s a great motivator/reward for cranking thru a long list of small to do items.

They are vaccinated. They won’t tell you that. They are just trying to sow discontent and they are willing to kill thousands of Americans to do it.