

If you think that anecdotal information from a social media site is valid medical information, you are as bad as the anti-vaxxers/maskers - just on the other side of the issue.

Show me her bank statement with more than $1,000 and I would be amazed.

The Onion wrote it a year ago and its editors dismissed it as “too whacky and unrealistic” for their brand.

Before or after the “Double-header of Hate” Madison Cawthorn and MTG?

If you work with anyone in tech in Utah, you’ll find these opinions rather common but usually only shared between people of a certain faith that have over hundreds of years learned to keep their racism, sexism and general lunacy within their own insular community.

I'm not a superhero movie superfan, but that musical was fucking hilarious! It was a wonderful spoof of both musicals in general and comic superheros. 

Passive income is usually not passive nor income. 

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

I don't know if it is an official winter veg, but I have sorrel in my garden that grows all year long even with snow on it. 

Ask your employer to add “Right to Healthcare” requirements to all future corporate investment and business relationships it makes in any state.

The running joke about Indy and his dad both banging Elsa is better than the Grail BS.

Give a man toilet paper and he has a clean ass for a day. Give a man a bidet and he has a clean ass for life.

I'll take "Things the HR Department says" for $500 Alex. 

Thanksgiving lunch buffet at the local strip club.

Dr Oz and Salt Bae are two of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

My wife and I do this with one twist. We book the aisle and window seats on an emergency exit row.

Joe Rogan is the school mascot. 

Number I’m using: ZERO

This will be more damaging to US politics than Citizens United.