Bringing Midwest obesity to the nation!
Bringing Midwest obesity to the nation!
Favorite gummie brands?
All software used by LEOs should be publicly vetted BEFORE use.
Lead = crime/drug abuse
Learn how to say no and control your calendar. Saying “yes” to everything and always being available is not the path to success.
I would photoshop myself into a picture with Hitler before I would take a selfie with MTG.
You are also assuming that a.) the same balls are used across multiple drawings b.) no change in imperfections (if they exist) occur over time c.) no imperfections are added to other balls that make them more likely to be drawn by additional drawings.
Only someone dumb enough to play the lottery player would think that historical ball selection frequency would have an impact on future drawings.
They should have additional disconnect options:
Wow, an actually amazing lifehack!
I just watched The Rig and if there is another show that should have it’s second season killed before it starts, this is it.
My state has a convoluted speeding ticket system. I never understood why until an attorney friend explained that it is basically a scam run by the state bar and the court to guarantee income to even the most incompetent attorney.
For most people, your home address is easily found online thru a variety of sources (real estate, voting, etc...).
Imagine if you supposedly killed yourself and nobody cared enough to verify it.
Plastic rings should be cut apart anyway to prevent injury to wildlife if they get loose in the wild on the way to recycling.
With their number of employees, isn’t this like one day of hiring?
Non-compete should not prevent working for a competitor. If anything, it should only prevent direct poaching of former customers or former co-workers and should be limited to no more than six months. It should never be able to completely block someone taking a job at a competitor.
“I was in the shower and heard my boyfriend say he was selling his favorite sausage-loving bitch to a breeder. So I jumped out of the shower and ran. I stole his dog too.”