
Very droll m'lord.

Can we have a two-tiered xbox live subscription system please?

...So your friend has to wait three hours before he can put it on his head? Not really an *instant* fix, but yeah, interesting.

Maybe Microsoft are still waiting for Paul Hogan to return from wrestling crocs in the outback so they can record some authentic Australian English dialogue.

Below you'll see a video of Golden Axe pitch (remember: this was a rough pitch made in Unity, not a finished product), and I've already mentioned Altered Beast, but other games that were due for the Sega Reborn treatment were Streets of Rage and Shinobi.

And he doesn't look a day over 32.

While the drink might have existed in the past

So kobaka is... any ewok?

I don't hear snatch used as an insult very often though...

Maybe I'm just tired, but I can't think of the word that rhymes with "scratch". "Front" was obvious enough, but scratch...

And yet every single person I know who has been to thailand comes back with the most disgusting sexual stories (ladyboys/donkeys/ping pong balls/etc).

(I think you forgot to include the latest feminist buzzword: "RAPECULTURE!!!)

You're only as good as your last [anything]. FFXIII did a lot to damage the brand, but the XIII trilogy is over now.

Maybe it's just me, but with each GTA iteration since GTA3, the driving has been getting progressively worse... I really hated the handling in 4.

It's a great read!

It's from Battle Angel Alita: Last Order.

The mononoke-hime cosplay is by a dude, right?

And you have proof that all these asian territories belong to China?

Can you get inside it, though?