
I- and presumably everyone else -will never understand why this written-off projects that can legally never ever be released for money aren’t just dropped for free somewhere.

What a wonderful way to let it be known that she’s no longer playing his game.

That really was a farce, wasn’t it? I mean, we knew the man was theatrical, but that whole bit was grotesque, absurd, and tasteless of him.

Given how he jolted awake at the end, I also took it as a dream. It’s possible Rashid was actually there somehow and things are even more complicated than it seems, but the more likely explanation is that Daniel’s dreaming mind inserted him in as an element of his present day life intruding on the memory.

Well we only have Louis’ personal evaluation that the later version was inferior of course, and only his word that Antoinette was the original singer. He’s an unreliable narrator at best. But that’s how he’s told the tale. I wasn’t disputing his word, but rather calling attention to the fact that there were two

Worth mentioning that Louis claims that the record heard in Dubai is an inferior later re-recording, and the original was a one-off, a single pressing with all the masters (and production crew) destroyed so there could never be another. And Louis destroyed it after hearing it.

That honestly seems like the LEAST likely of all explanations. Whatever the in-story explanation ends up being, I feel quite certain they deliberately had the clothes change because they wanted him in the familiar style of costume so absolutely nobody came away not understanding what happened.

Didn’t the game itself tell you about this if you beat it? Maybe I’m remembering that wrong, but I’d swear there’s an oddly worded message about it on the final screen.

Hey now, Gotham was great fun once they realized nobody really cared about Jim Gordon’s drama and focused on all the wacky supervillain types.

Hal Jordan? More like Hal Bore-dan! Seriously though, he’s just... boring. Maybe he shouldn’t be, but somehow he’s just the most generic and dull nobody who’s only interesting because he has a power ring. Or at least that’s how he’s always come off to me.

It’s really frustrated me that he was basically the only one we HAVEN’T seen.

Not sure about 3, but 2 got a notable callout with the Master-Doctor’s recorder, plus wearing 4's scarf. I guess Tom Baker couldn’t participate, or so I’ve seen elsewhere, and 2 and 3 just don’t have established modern recasting. Their absence was certainly noticed though.

Whatever its flaws, the Master and his giddy madness made this episode an absolute blast for me. Loved the dance routine (and the clearly flabbergasted Cybermen and Daleks). And of COURSE he wants to literally become the Doctor. Last we saw him, he’d gone (even more) mad with the knowledge that there was a little bit

The Texas-class ships were very clearly his own pet project (the Alamo model in his office backdrop is a dead giveaway), and his entire reaction upon revealing them to the Cerritos (and Nuzé) absolutely screamed “well rehearsed surprise”. His support of “Swing-by” felt disingenuous from the start. I imagine he’d had

It’s not late. It’s following the TV broadcast schedule.

I read this review out of random curiosity. I don’t watch the show. I didn’t watch the episode. So I can’t speak to its accuracy.

Please pivot away from video.

As she put it in the first episode, this was a normal amount of rage. Appropriate even. Restrained.

History is never has one single turning point. It’s a sequence of events, each building off the last. Both of these events can be equally vital for the future positive betterment of humanity.  This discovery pushed humankind away from one possible dark path. First Contact was important in future growth. It’s not a

My immediately first thought when I first saw them hyping the 30th anniversary was that they should change the name back. Otherwise it’s pretty hollow indeed.