
So is it, or is it not, just It Follows with creepy smiles and less weird sex rules?

Didn’t read the review, because I am avoiding spoilers (honestly only clicked to see if I could double check the air date). Haven’t watched it yet either. But I am disappointed to see that they seem to have abandoned the weird scifi Project Quantum Leap location in favor of a cast-off NCIS office set. Hopefully I have

Maybe they should just limit themselves to making exciting looking thumbnails and skip making the shows. Much cheaper, and it lets them maintain a constant flow of flashy new content on the top row, which seems to be all they care about.

I hope it adds a 4th Peter. No, I don’t want to hear your very logical reasons why that can’t happen. XD

Something something does not fit with our streaming media strategy going forward”? Just because they have no good reason to do a thing doesn’t mean they won’t actually do it.

Especially funny given that a lot of the terrible stuff in the MCU is directly or indirectly Tony’s fault there, too.

Ok, but just imagine if Robert Pattinson DoES show up as Batman for a number? “I am the niiiiight~!”

9pm? Yeah, maybe on the West coast. These things always drop at midnight. It just varies on which time zone they’re choosing for midnight.

Not the one I would have picked to redub by any means. Adventure and Zero Two need it FAR more. I admit I’m not too terribly familiar with the difference in the Tamers dub, but it’s hard to imagine it going TOO very much darker. Maybe some stuff left ambiguous might have been made explicit? But it was plenty dark, and

Last Evolution seemed to totally ignore Tri. And I didn’t blame it. I had trouble figuring out where it was pulling concepts from, and the story itself was not well told. IMO anyway.

Also, “Samaritan”.

Well, you see, vibranium...

I’ll never understand this. If the costumes deviate from the source material at all, people complain. When it looks dead-on exactly like the source material, people complain.

You may have to get used to the music thing. They’ve done that twice now.

Being that he’s an extremophile sub-species of an a species already adapted to living in the ice, I too also expected Hemmer to out-last the Gorn eggs and be recovered worse for wear, but alive. But then he dove off that cliff, and that very clear shot of him falling more than far enough to be fatal, even if we didn’t

Worth mentioning that the dialog implies that the real Dr. Aspen is also a “they”.

As soon as she stated the three word operating maxim of their society, and it included the word “sacrifice”, I assumed something pretty awful underlaid the entire culture.

In this particular episode, the ship has literally been emptied out for shore leave while it gets repaired.

Or it just recently happened? I had supposed the loss of Korby was why she was seeking unattached relationships. Having just lost one’s fiance might drive one to not wish to get deeply involved with someone new.