
There’s just so much here. Part of the reason this situation feels so odd and unprecedented is because, as the letter alludes to, this is an extremely nuanced situation that is being handled in the court of public opinion- a court that is famously bad at handling nuance.

Here you go, buddy:

Guy has money, material, smart cookies, and the ability to pretty much put anything he wants into motion.

<Looks at comment, then glances at user name.>

And who did his actions hurt?  No one but your fragile ego, apparently.

Better have a PIF editor to use apps from the DOSphone. If you need help, just open your RealAudio Player and listen to my stream. It’s on Geocities.

Now playing

I honestly did not realize how old he was. I keep expecting him to just be the perpetually distinguished man he’s always appeared as. Is there any way while this is all sorting itself out (and maybe after) that there is some always at his side ready to punch by proxy?

Now playing

And it will be served to them by a Mexican! (Note the correct response by this police officer to being served food by possibly an undocumented immigrant just trying to make a living).

Classy like a mid-range escort.

Playing online multi-player Halo is one of my fond memories of my time at university. Endless rounds of Blood Gultch. Fuck yes.

I know that many aren’t really fans here, but I loved Anthony Bourdain. I read his book many years ago and related to him so deeply. A person that also struggled with drugs and depression. This makes me really sad.

I have a friend at one of the major ILECs, and they simply can’t find people that know POTS, or if they can, they don’t want to pay them for it. It is easy to find people that know TCP/IP and VoIP, and not much harder to get people that know cellular.
POTS takes a lot of repair. It doesn’t like water, and you have to

Speaking of being paranoid and old, I’ve got amateur radios for EmComm. That’s part of why I finally stopped paying for landline.

A joke like that could land you on a spit.