
As a matter of fact, I got the taken king as well. I literally played it for an hour after I got the Expansion... Just didnt have the same Shine to it after stopping at the Dark Below when I tried to get back into it. I’ll give it another chance though with Destiny 2. And hopefully they will get it right this time.

Gave up on Destiny after The Dark Below. If I wanted to pray to RNGesus Constantly I would have bought WoW

To be honest most Democrates would tell you, that Kasich is the most liked out of almost all Replublicans. And as someone from Ohio, I can honestly say he has done a world of good for us Economically (I’ve changed pay scales three times last year and finally broke over 50k partially thanks to him). If we have to have

Ah so we now know the True reason he lost the arm and a leg... Pfft Mom’s...

I honestly didnt care for Harvest Moon (not my thing, great design and def not hating on it) and I don’t know if I will like Stardew Valley. But I honestly purchased this last night JUST BECAUSE the developer deserves the money, the man CARES, therefor even if the Game isnt for me, (which it looks great from the 5

SC is now two Modules FYI SC Persistent MMO and Squardron 42. It’s weird, kind of 2 games, but still one game because they both affect eachother

People Still play Bridge Commander? Not Knocking it but I got online about 2 years ago and it was dead! Wish they would make a new one :-(

I'm not saying this is Hololens, I'm stating that the AR tech that is shown here will be available by the end of this year. He states that AR is still not here and wont be for many years to come, but he is wrong, AR will be here by the end of this year as Hololens launches this year, and it's an AR device. Please

Your wrong, HoloLens will be out before the end of the year with Windows 10

Do this myself, and it is a great way to make friends and help others out... Although if they ever fix the Iron matches when they come back out, it's gonna suck if someone you helped is on the other end of a Exotic lol. Anyone need help finding locations for Loot Caches on the PS4 feel free to add me Triketra1983


Hmm.... Might have to make some "Dead Like Me" reapers now

Miss Piggy looks like she could have been in the game Five Nights at Freddies... scary!

Just One more Stab in the back by Sega seeing that Phantasy Star Online 2 setup... Really wanted to play a true English version of the game that was Legit, could never get into the Japanese Version just because they constantly added Items that I could barely read in Japanese.... *Sigh* at least Square-Enix Loves us

OMG.... does everyone not see that the car scene looks like a Bromance version of Rebecca Blacks "Friday" video? T_T

Finally Proof that weed heads do get violent when high... even if it's just in video games lol. Give me a break they knew instantly what was going on when they seen he was harmless, they just wanted to feel like they had a reason to come out there instead of for nothing

How about you enjoy a nice STFU Sandwich from the Douche Deli that you run, and stop putting people down for their creations from the Awesomesauce Bistro that wouldnt hire you because of your Douchebaggerie