Trig Discipline

When I saw the term “formicophilia,” I thought that it must be a fetish revolving around having sex on top of kitchen tables from the 1950s. Alas.

I think she probably has a point, but I’m withholding judgement until I hear a famous white woman say the same thing.

What a coincidence, The Menzingers haven’t been punk for about a decade.

Yeah, Butch Vig and Shirly Manson are a couple nobodies who’ve never done anything in music. Fuck those pissants, I seriously doubt anyone’s ever heard any music THEY put out.


Legion might be up there as my favorite X-related production, movie or otherwise.

What about “Gattaca”?

Debating whether or not he’s sincere is pretty pointless considering the damage he causes is the same whether he’s sincere or not.

Maybe he was good at it off screen, like how Quint was good at fishing, just not in Jaws.

I laughed at the line in the trailer where Deckard is like “I had your job once. I was good at it” because, good god, dude, no you weren’t. You were absolutely terrible at blade running. The only blade you managed to run was that one poor stripper you murdered in cold blood who wasn’t hurting anybody. The rest of the

Or, ya know, maybe watch the movie and see if you’re wrong.

All things that would have mattered if anyone else were president.

You know, I was actually really happy pretending Harry Knowles didn’t have a penis. It’s not something I did consciously, more like something my mind snapped into place out of instinctual self-defense. Now the illusion is gone, and I’m all the sadder for its loss. It’s funny how you never take time to appreciate

It infuriates me. I’m involved with comic book fandoms more so than anything else, and good god. Like how can you claim to like characters that fight to protect people and preserve life and still be such a shitty person? How can you claim to love the X-Men while not realizing that YOU WOULD BE A VILLAIN IN THOSE

This has been the best season of Rick and Morty so far so way to go ladies.

Well now, that’s definitely a SA video, even got a shot in at furries... poor dumb Goons.

Now playing

Why would they, when they could be watching this?

50. Idle Hands
49. Lionheart
48. Cellular
47. Dante's Peak
46. Obsessed (2009)
45. Stone Cold (1991)
44. The Wicker Man (2006)
43. Youngblood
42. Hercules (2014)
41. You Got Served
40. Battleship (2012)
39. Save the Last Dance (2001)
38. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
37. Just One of the Guys
36. Bad Boys 2
35. Spice World