Ok yeah you can just ignore all my valid points and say people today are just pansies who can’t teach their kids not to step out in front of a car, I’m sure that will solve everything. Glad you’re here to help.
Ok yeah you can just ignore all my valid points and say people today are just pansies who can’t teach their kids not to step out in front of a car, I’m sure that will solve everything. Glad you’re here to help.
We also now have busybody Karens who literally sic CPS on parents who let their children play alone at parks or walk home alone. Cars are bigger now, which makes it much more difficult for drivers to see small children walking across the street. Neighborhood schools (and their safe accesable playgrounds) are being…
Exactly! Where are our kids supposed to play outside? There’s nowhere for them to go any more.
I was ready to be mad becasue the thumbnail is Jurassic World. But I acutally super agree with this list.
My Nissan Versa’s air blowers wouldn’t start spinning till you banged the dashboard just right. I’d do it Fonzie style complete with finger guns and “Eyyy”. Eventually I kept a rubber mallet in the console for tricky winter days.
YES fix mass transit FIRST before we require everyone to blow into a tube in their car to drive!
My mother constantly was late picking me up places, or completely forgetting me. Not just friends’ houses, but activities like play practice or soccer. I’d have to find an adult who might be able to call her somehow (way before cell phones), or just stand at the pickup spot alone until she decided to show up. If I…
Per #2: My parents told me if I was ever in a situation with drinking or dangerous stuff and needed a ride they’d come get me any time of day or night to get me home safely and they would not be mad. Except I knew my parents and I knew if that ever happened I’d be in trouble forever and punished to whatever extreme…
The Thriller for Chicago is IT? IT? Famously a Horror set in Derry?? Yeah, one character spends five minutes in Chicago maybe but ALL of Chicago and you can’t find ONE actual Thriller? Bullshit.
This is dumb. Madison WI’s Scifi book 1) is Not Scifi and 2) Nobody has ever heard of it. What about The Long Earth? It’s the last series Terry Pratchett ever wrote for and was really popular, on the NYT Bestseller list and set in multiple Madisons over the multiverse. I had to go all the way to Davenport Iowa to get…
I love Alison and her podcast “Ruined!”
I just tell my kid to do it privately, like in the bathroom or his bedroom, and to wash his hands after. Just like touching his weiner.
Look, I like to get riled up about ageism as much as anyone else, but this isn’t ageism. It’s easier to age someone up than down, even with Marvel’s CG wizardry. If she’s going to be playing the mom in flashbacks it makes sense that she will be younger and aged up in present day stuff.
I will go to my grave saying “Edge of Tomorrow” is the best video game movie. It’s not about a specific video game but it absolutely encapsulates the feeling of replying a level over and over until you finally beat it.
Seems like Lifehacker is having a “Sus Sources” day lol.
Cool, what are the other sources? Are they listed somewhere?
When the article’s only source’s only credential is completely inconsequential then yes, I do find the article itself to be suspect. If this article was on vaccienes and the only source was someone who “Had a handful of vaccienes” I wouldn’t afford the article any merit either.
Once actually. We were married for over a decade, actually we got married when I myself was 24. After our son was born I realized he was acting more like a petulant teenager than a husband so I went to therapy to try to figure out how to help him be a better partner. Therapy helped me realize that due to childhood…
Ok, guess I’ll go find someone with a 13 year old to ask about how to parent teenagers. Someone who stopped drinking 3 months ago surely can tell me lots of things about how to stay sober long term. A 24 year old obviously has tons of experience in getting a PhD.