
When are they going to finish reviewing Peep Show?

I saw part of an Intervention ep once, about a woman was struggling with alcoholism (maybe even had been sober for a while?) and how the custody agreement with her ex-husband stipulated she could only spend one hour a week with her kids because her alcoholism was so bad. She would go to her kids' school and eat lunch

The show has been useful for finding good places to eat in cities we visit that are new to us. That being said, Guy Fieri is God's method of punishing humanity for their complacency during the Holocaust.

Between the fact that the opening credits consisted of the female leads strutting around in tight-fitting clothes and the fact that the local NBC affiliate used to air it after SNL, I just assumed it was spank material for the poor.

I don't know if O'Hanlon left the show for My Hero, but either way, it was gonna be hard to make more Father Ted eps, considering Dermot Morgan died shortly after they finished filming.

The appeal of To The Manor Born for me is completely inexplicable.

I began at the beginning and gave up around the time Vince signed with a female agent that he then proceeded to sleep with and then she decided she couldn't be his agent any more. That was when I hit my limit of misogyny. I don't think I even made it to the Medellin plot.

The trouble with Pawn Stars is a) the B-plots are only slightly less contrived than those on Duck Dynasty and b) it's difficult to watch and not wonder how many of the people are going to take the money they just made to a nearby casino.

The Mitchell and Webb sketch that satirizes Kitchen Nightmares ruined KN for me.

You should have been aware of Zach Galifianakis prior to that.

I'd be more forgiving of that show if there wasn't an ep devoted to the men of the show explaining to the women of the show why we needed to invade Iraq.

Hazzard County hadn't seen a good watch fight in years…

It's too depressing to rewatch knowing there won't be new seasons. Also, I couldn't sit through that ep where they go to Vegas again, knowing how it ends.

No, Pizza Mart is too doughy. Sits in your stomach like a brick.

Hey, he's a brother Shamus!

I remember thinking N.O. M.A.A.M. was really funny when I was 14 and those eps aired for the first time.

Was That 80s Show better or worse than the episode of That 70s Show that was a flash-forward into the 80s?

Is he bearded or clean-shaven?

Kaitlin Olson had a recurring role on The Riches and (apparently) was on the later, shitty seasons of The Drew Carey Show.

No, Pizza Boli's is the best.