
I don't know what they eventually brought her for dessert at that diner at the beginning, but there's a 100% chance it came topped with the waitress' saliva.

Huh, that's weird. We have a sectional sofa that's still fine after 3.5 years and one move, and we've practically had to beg for help when we've gone to their stores.

It's more of a big band/crooner soundtrack, and anyway, Woody Allen uses jazz and Dixieland, not swing.

Yep, they're both dead, but Ira is probably still alive.

Yeah, we've made two major furniture purchases from Art Van, and both times they've tried to shortchange us on the amount of time we have to pay it off interest-free.

Is it called the Peggy Couch because it looks like the couch Pete Campbell impregnated Peggy Olson on?

Old Style or GTFO!

I would watch the hell out of that.

Was that before or after he played Hank Hooper on 30 Rock?

At least that gave the world SNL's parody, "Cooking with Dennis Miller," starring Dana Carvey as Miller.

I didn't know about the fold-it-in-half-then-fold-it-again trick, so it was either that or hold an entire pizza in my hands while I ate it, and the latter would've made me an even uglier American.

Yeah, Kid Rock is the answer to the question "Could it get any worse than Pete Hoekstra's 'Senator Spend-It-Now' ads?"

Well, no, it would work if there was frequent turnover of the inventory, and they were constantly putting out freshly-prepared food. But there wasn't frequent turnover, and the food sat out all day, so nobody bought it.

I had various VOIP products between 2004 and 2012, but I haven't had a landline that was rented from the local telephone company since 2002.

They tried, there was one on St. Mark's Place for a few years about 15 years ago.

JB Alberto's in Rogers Park makes perfect heart-shaped pizzas, and will do it 365 days a year.

I had a few pizzas in England that were served that way.

"Wife on the Rod"?

Yeah. Kinda like when I thought Russell Brand was playing a character in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

I wouldn't have seen this if it wasn't a selection made available by British Airways' in-flight entertainment on a nine-hour flight.