
I mean, let's face it, if they took care of business, I'd be out of business!

Sometime in the late 80s or early 90s, one of the local UHF stations showed a movie then-called (I think) Space Ship, starring Leslie Nielsen, Gerritt Graham, and Cindy Williams, and my brother and I taped it and watched it several times.

I'm not from there and I found it massively overrated.

That was on Hulu for a while a few years ago. I didn't make it past the opening credits, though.

How'd they answer the question "What's the strangest place you've made whoopee?"

He's got a little dick, it's pathetic.

Pair of titties make you wanna stand up and beg for buttermilk!

"The old lady was only on one episode this season, she ostensibly disappeared."

I thought Johnny wants her to get into "computers."

It's also this unique form of sexism where I just feel bad for Tommy Wiseau because clearly there was a real-life "Lisa" who hurt him so badly that he made this film. As opposed to, say, Tucker Max's sexism.

"Brand Events, the team behind the tour, previously gave the BBC’s car series Top Gear a similar experience, touring a car-stunting spectacular throughout the U.K. and into international markets."


Wasn't there one in between the two with Yahoo Serious as Ned Kelly?

He once played a helicoper pilot! He made so many durned mistakes…

"you know when you're all sitting around stoned with music on and the tv playing with no sound, and it all seems to connect? Sometimes the images in this movie connect the same way…"

Spice World would be the only film on this list that I saw in the theater.

I think there's a scene like that towards the end of European Vacation, where Chevy Chase yells DARN IT ALL! even though his mouth clearly says something much worse, but now I can't remember if I'm thinking of the edited-for-television version.

Except for all the scenes where he had to be romantic with Matt Damon.

I saw them three times in 2005 and they opened with a cover of In Between Days every time, so…that one.

I owned a copy of Moscow on the Hudson for about a decade. I have no idea why. I don't even think I've seen it from start to finish.