
I wouldn't say it's my favorite book, but it's definitely my favorite Douglas Adams ripoff.

Was Muppets Most Wanted a hit?

I watched it on a flight to London in November, and it was unclear if the movie was supposed to be about David Brent, or Ricky Gervais.

Yes we are.

Not in MY cave!

Wait, so Animaniacs ripped that off from SCTV?

I don't know if it was that or the fact that the premise, You Might Be Ebola If…, was really stupid.

I remember him most as Tony Orlando singing Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round the Dodge Omni from Lee Iacocca's Rock Concert.

I'm the hypest lyricist while they're like "What type of beer is this?"

One of my favorite snacks as a kid (and one I enjoy from time to time as an adult) is a slice of American cheese wrapped around a banana.

We did that to an adjunct prof who had to have been approximately 25, because 22-year-olds are still assholes.

Get MTV off the air, I deserve my own channel

God, that explains everything.

I think I was most disappointed to learn The Avengers weren't really fighting at the Leipzig airport

Richie Finestra is really awful, though.

It's a USAF general. You can tell he's not a Nazi because he has a lapel pin that reads "U.S."

Depends how appealing you find completely unredeemable anti-heroes.

Tina Fey beat off who now?

The Lakeside stuff comes so late in the novel, I'm sure they're leaving it for a future season.

Oh come on, you expect AV Club staffers to be familiar with pre-gentrification Times Square? That was, like, back when cell phones were huge and digital photography didn't exist!