

When my wife and I went to Colombia earlier this year, my wife mentioned the regular use of the "vosotros" conjugations of words on the show, which she thought wasn't used any more, and got an insanely detailed response from our Colombian tour guide and a Peruvian on the tour on why that was actually factually

Is the David Cross-Jim Belushi celebrity feud still going strong, or did they bury the hatchet?

I love that they could've left it at "TO-GA! TO-GA! TO-GA! Two thousand!" but they had to add Homer saying "They stole my idea!"

But you do have to send him pictures of your feet beforehand, so.

Every time she saw him, she'd melt like butter on a bagel.

I've seen the deleted scenes and it would've been a lot worse if they'd left in the extra Murray/Soles scenes at the resort.

No, the AbFab crossover ep was awful, and the several seconds Saunders and Lumley spent mugging while the audience cheered made it even worse.

Weekend at Burnsie's

Increase my killing power, eh.

It would have been fine if I'd met Ellie Kemper with Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Erin was awful.

S4 was notable for managing to be darker than the UK series.

If I ever rewatch it for some reason, Weeds at the end of S3.

Or Jackie Earle Haley?


And if you can't wait till next week, you could always read the Vanity Fair article.

There are no movies that Zooey Deschanel saves. There are only movies that Zooey Deschanel fails to ruin. Like Almost Famous.

Other than the whole "everyone silently forgiving Vincent for blowing the kid's college fund at the track" thing….it was OK.

Hell, that moment where he flips his pinky up after saying his rival is late for his Hitler Youth rally is worth the price of admission alone.

What. Does. A. Yellow. Light. Mean.