
Probably because, in the real world, Poe never would've been charged with a crime, let alone given a lengthy prison sentence.

The trouble with all the really funny stuff I remember from VV, like the anti-smoking PSA and the sketch where they're talking about all the things you can say on television and Johnny Blue Jeans just busts out "You can say pigfucker, right?" is that it takes so long to describe it and why it's funny, that it wouldn't

Yeah, but that's all the things that had to happen before you could have a show that did nothing but make fun of him.

I feel like there could be a part 4 that was nothing but "Who thought that _________ was a solid-enough premise?" Let's Bowl, Don't Forget Your Toothbrush, Viva Variety…

Yeah, and no Let's Bowl.


It's a damn shame the entertainment world couldn't find better use of Tim Kazurinsky.

There was a later sketch where Marie was pregnant with Donnie's baby. For some reason, that one never made it into the reruns on Comedy Central.

Another great element of Day By Day: The actor who played the main couple's son (and went on to play Greg Brady in the Gary Cole/Shelley Long Brady Bunch movies).


I dunno, proximity to Greenfield Village?

Well, on the plus side, they were getting married in their early 20s, so all that work probably resulted in a life-long marriage.

Because that would drive dentists out of business.


Thanks, I'd completely forgotten about the era in which going to the theater was the only way to buy a ticket for a future movie screening.

His surprise cameo at the end of Jersey Girl improved the hell out of it.

I think I prefer the part later on where Mike Teavee is running up to the platform in front of the Wonkavision camera and Wonka deadpans "Don't, stop, come back."

Slept on HIS Arms. HIS Arms.

Yeah, he gave the interview from east of the Rockies.

I think I read an interview where he said he quit doing Insomniac because people knew what he was doing when cameras were following him around and it got too hard to film.