
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Is Archibald Whitman #2 or #3?

I'm aware that this really only describes the first few seasons (and maybe only the first one), but "lol Stan's a conservative" doesn't seem like a very solid premise.

Oh, now THERE'S an idea.

No way, All-Star by Smash Mouth.

I haven't officially decided if I like this show or not, but I'll keep watching till I figure it out.

Are you 'avin' a larf?!

I think of that moment pretty regularly.

I think it's on the list of movies that aren't widely known, but just also happened to be mainstays of early-to-mid-90s weekday afternoon Comedy Central programming.

Burt Wonderstone looked like it had more in common with Talladega Nights, Blades of Glory, and Semi-Pro than Now You See Me. I don't think the public was turned off by the fact that it was about magicians; rather, they were probably just fatigued with comedies based on people with outsized egos competing with each

Yeah, and all she had to do was respond "No" when that weird albino that was always hanging around with Jim would ask her if she wanted to have sex with him.


The premise of that was that the parents died and the kids were sent to live with Uncle Buck. At least this one doesn't have dead parents.

Oh, you've never seen Then She Found Me?

The only movie I've ever fallen asleep watching in the theater is Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy. Partly because I saw it in England and was still jetlagged from flying over, and partly because it sucked ass.

Don't forget the dick-and-balls made of two pieces of coal and a carrot.

Yeah, if you're doubting whether they were accurately depicted as poor, just ask yourself if you'd want to live in their house.

Is it listed as a dead mall or a dying mall?

Yeah, stories like the first one at the below link make up for Clerks 2, Zach and Miri Make a Porno, and possibly even that time he said Goon is a good movie:

Turns out taking lessons on how to speak with an American accent from Vanessa Angel was a bad idea.