
I realize it wasn't a concept that could sustain itself for long, but I really liked Guy Posting In The Wrong Thread.


Hmm…yeah. I do. Never mind.

Graham Norton with a beard, how odd-looking.

Look out at the corner of Fifth and Main, I'm gonna throw up!

"Well…here's to us" was the ONLY good part of Moonraker.

The term "vaporware" will, for me, forever be defined as "software whose copyright has expired."

Yeah, that's what I've read since asking this question.

The news that UW has a beer hall isn't suprising after you learn that their marching band played (still plays?) an old Budweiser jingle.

How much will it cost me to have him neg my teenage daughter and then cheat on her while we're all in Europe?

Is Trump also played by the guy who played Not Jack Donaghy in the 30 Rock porn parody? Because that guy did a decent Alec Baldwin impression.

He was great as Young Tracy Jordan.

I know Back To School isn't exactly revered around here, and I used to think it was the middling answer to the question "What if the slobs vs. snobs aspect of Caddyshack was too subtle?" but man, going back to school to get your MBA at the age of 36 really gives you a new appreciation for that movie.

Let's not forget Married to the Mob.

Oh, thank fuck.

Please tell me Bergman wasn't also responsible for the godawful remake of The In-Laws with Michael Douglas and Albert Brooks.

I always get Honeymoon in Vegas and Leaving Las Vegas confused. Doesn't help that both star Nicolas Cage.

Man, who the fuck told Robbie Coltrane he could do a convincing Russian accent?

And Waiting for Guffman.