
The most underrated band of the ‘90s was Poop Towel.


Anyone else remember on Old New Top Gear when they tried to make this faster around a track than an EVO X?? Idk what shit I was on as a kid but seeing this again makes me question how they thought it would even be close 

Now playing

i always called it the renault assvantime

I don’t think I’ll ever remember that the Chargers moved to LA. In a decade, I’ll see LAC on the ticker at the bottom of the screen and still think that the Clippers are playing the Broncos for some reason.

Some people are fans of the Los Angeles Chargers.”

65% of Charger fans have at one point lived in Philip Rivers’ ballsack.

But that doesn’t mean gun laws are a lost cause—a rural community wracked with gun suicides isn’t going to reflexively turn down a sensible plan to reduce that pain if it’s presented in the right way, with clear data and local support backing it up.

USS Defiant.

Jesus Christ, we have switchblade lightsabers now...

Just when we thought they couldn’t make light sabers look any stupider...

What might not suck: They opened a sensory room at Lincoln for for fans with autism and other sensory issues who need to take a break without having to exit the stadium. I know we are supposed to be dragging them but Swoop has headphones on and that’s fucking adorable.

The city’s biggest celebrities are all local news anchors.

I’ve been following the the MAX issue pretty closely too and, while not an engineer, had over 22 years in the airline business. This MCAS system is a monumental foul-up, as is not having sensor redundancy in how the inputs are processed.

Safety is not only looking back, but looking forward as well. The manual trim in the Max is the same as in the NG. This means a high speed manual trim will be a problem in the NG. Just because it never happened doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen in the future. With this information Boeing has to either change existing

With a broken AoA sensor, you basically only had 40 seconds to debug this thing, in the midst of a barrage of electronic warnings, alarms and error messages.

I still don’t get “Send In the Drones” deal...

The design changes made to accommodate the larger engines created enough angle of attack instability during landing to warrant a much more aggressive MCAS system that pilots were not accustomed to.