
Just sayin’.

Welcome to every corporate rah-rah speech there ever was. It’s dreadful. I have to do one of these things tomorrow. I hate it. It’s so phony and everyone sounds like they have a stick up their ass.

Kristen, if you’re on the short side in height, you’re better off looking for a ‘96 or later model of that gen of Viper for one important reason: adjustable pedals. That massive transmission tunnel limits seat travel going forward. I say this because I care, and everyone should have a chance to drive one these

This is some bullshit. Whatever you think of the war on drugs or how we are “fighting it” in general (not a fan of either personally), thousands of pounds of illegal narcotics entering our country is not good.  This is the kind of edginess you’d expect from someone who has never had to actually do anything that

So here’s my Perot story:

Welcome to the liberal communist state of California. Hopefully shit like this makes you think about who your voting for. 

The H-platform LeBaron GTS with its 150hp turbo engine had a solid 50% more under the hood than the base E30 or E28 of the day, & other than being FWD (which most consumers preferred anyway) was mostly comparable to either series of BMW.

6 of one: it’s a dumb joke in bad taste in a fake blooper reel in a movie twenty years old and no one will miss it.

Thank heavens society has finally been protected.

Good sign. Maybe with Kurtzman pulling away from direct input into Trek scripts, the traditionalists will have a shot without being overruled.

It does seem a bit incongruous, doesn’t it...

Please stay far away from motorsports. 

Neo-fascist? You sound like a whiney liberal idiot. How are they fascists you moron. 

I think it’s interesting that the same blogs that used to celebrate the freedom of speech found on the Internet are the same ones that now demand Internet censorship. I understand not giving a “platform” to people who use hate speech, but who gets to decide what “hate speech” actually is. While I agree that the

Steven Crowder is freaking awesome.  His show is hilarious.  YouTube already stips all of his ads so you guys can rest easy.  You wont need to boycott any businesses.  I’m pretty sure you guys don’t buy Walther pistols anyway!

Crowder has repeatedly and vehemently requested for none of his viewers to engage in doxing, as he claims he has been a victim of it himself.

Carlos Maza regularly refers to himself as queer, homo, etc.

I don’t think a significant portion of the people against this athlete’s participation in the women’s field think that she transitioned as an elaborate form of cheating. I think they’re saying - even if you disagree with their point - that she shouldn’t be allowed to compete against cis women no matter her reason for

How are they the “True Avengers”? So all this while we’ve been seeing the fake ones? I get it if you call them the A-Force which they are, but they’re not the Avengers.

America’s ass wants to have a word with you.

I guess you’d know from bad opinions.  The post you’re trashing is 100% correct; the filmmakers stopped the movie in its tracks to wink at the audience and say “See?  We have ladies now!” rather than treating them as equally important throughout the actual film, as they should have done all along.