
Jesus, man. This is harrowing. Like everyone else in the comments, I’m glad things didn’t go differently.

Surprise, Surprise! Just weeks after a gun ban, the government seeks to restrict free speech...


It’s not, but it’s an excellent Excel joke.

That’s literally not what the problem says, but ok.

When in doubt, in WolframAlpha trust

god damn it, the answer is 1 you blithering freak holes!!!!!!! De’Aaron Fox should be jailed for making me relive 2014 Facebook debates!!!

“Most left-leaning people (which is to say, most Americans” : ignorant and self-serving quote.

“Gates is worth over $101 billion, which should literally be considered a crime in a civilized”

Vampire Weekend’s discography is the official soundtrack of gentrification  

“Charlie Chesbrough, senior economist for Cox Automotive, told AutoNews that he has a working hypothesis. Mainly, it costs more to buy a car these days, and it’s tough to borrow the money to do it. It’s pretty tough to sell to a market that doesn’t have the means to buy.”

Wow, what a stupid comment. Maybe they didn’t use her that much because the movie was an Avengers movie, and not a Captain Marvel movie. She’s a newcomer to the scene as far as they’re concerned, and isn’t the focus of this film. I’m sorry if that steps on your toes, but maybe try to think a little before you type

No but seriously — this is a conclusion to the original Avengers. Which, unfortunately for you, were all men.

Ppeople didn’t like the movie because it wasn’t that good and was completely unnecessary... Captain Marvel was not integral to the infinity gauntlet storyline in the comics nor was she integral to the infinity war movie, she literally got shoehorned into the film and the mcu, she should have been a phase 4 character.

The charge of *ALL* the women running together in escort of Captain Marvel was astonishingly stupid and eye-roll inducing.

Or it’s because the film is not actually even remotely about her in any way, due to the fact that it is about the characters that have been tent-poles to the MCU for the last 11 years, the actor’s of which contracts were up so having a big finale movie to retire them and send them off with arc resolution was the plan,

Uh huh....

It was foretold that someday something would come along to make the Super Mario Brothers movie look amazing. Rejoice brothers and sisters, that day has arrived!

There is absolutely no way in hell Carol is worthy if every other Avenger besides Cap isn’t.

The system cannot re-engage itself. There is a physical disconnect.