I love you name. Puns within puns.
I love you name. Puns within puns.
Dreams? I thought that was a legit photo of you. So confused...
And that is why I <3 you.
Omg. Share him please.
I cannot. Because every woman is different. Ask your partner what she likes. COMMUNICATION.
“When I was a young fag...”
Lol. Yeppp.
Eh. I have heard some people say it works. I still think its idealized, placebo effect hogwash.
That is such BS and it has never worked for me.
Oh sweet jeebus. Why were you even dating him to begin with??? (Jk. We’ve all made horrible SO mistakes.)
Your existence is gross. Go away.
This might have happened to me once. Maybe.
I dunno. Doesn’t this seem kinda beneath her?
I mostly just sweat when I’m nervous. Unfortunately I have some social anxiety so basically when anyone so much as talks to me my body release all of my fluids directly outta my face pores. Wearing makeup is hard.
I still like Green Day too. Shhhhhhh. Dont tell anyone...
Too true
(I was really cool when I was 13, OK?)
Thank you!!!