
Instead, he’ll be playing the Beast in sequels to Split.

Yes! 2000 is a BIT excessive.

It also made him sound 80 years old and quaint, as if he genuinely thought this was the only way to reach new people, but he is ‘a 49 year old technology designer’ so presumably someon can nudge him towards Tinder?

Especially since he had to provide contact information in his litter. They could have just mailed him the fines as they discovered new bottles.

Take out a personal ad.

Meanwhile, Rachel was at a Gucci Mane concert in Dallas with her real friends.

OMG if there was a Taco Bell in Australia, I would leave work right now and drive to it.

I’m an American, but I moved to Australia 7 months ago. About a month ago, I was driving down the highway in suburban Sydney, and my husband let out a shriek from the passenger seat with his finger pointing out the window. I slammed on the brakes and yelled, “What?!”

They look like they were applied with a stencil

Don’t even get me started on how stupid sleeves are nowadays. On all garments.

I loved that Atomic Blonde also included a crack about how his haircut being awful:

Gahhhh, those bikinis with the puffy upper arm sleevelette things are absurd. It looks like a little kid bathing suit with matching water wings.

White people must think any Black outrage is outrage for no reason. Emmett’s mother Mamie Till is dead. She didn’t have approval about this painting being made and I doubt any of the Tills were asked about this. Mamie Till had an open casket and allowed for the press(mostly the Black press) to take pictures to open a

The Emmett TILL painting was already removed. They want her other unrelated works taken down. Which is silly. I agree that the open casket piece required the protest it got, but her misstep doesn’t require permanent blacklisting of everything else she paints.

If I’m going to a destination bachelorette party (which LOL never) I’m not going to NOT have fun because the bride-to-be missed a flight. I thought based on the headline they planned a B party with the intention of not having a bride, which felt SUPER shitty. But I paid for my damn ticket and made my flight so you

This is the “reality” show equivalent of the Frank Zappa quote about rock journalism: “Most rock journalism is people who can’t write, interviewing people who can’t talk, for people who can’t read.”

Posted elsewhere, as well, but I’ve been thinking recently that at some point Trump is going to start believing this is true and woe be to Pence the day that happens.

His treatment of his newborn son is the true condemning act in my opinion. Even if your ex is a true demon, you have a newborn son in IC. Even highly narcissitic, sexist men often care (as much as abusive sociopaths can care) for their male children as reflections of themselves ...that 50% dna for example.

Jesus Christ. My ex missed the birth of our daughter because he was stuck in an airport in Ireland, en route from Afghanistan. That is a perfectly honorable and respectful reason to miss the birth of your child. Being absent due to service to the objectively worse US president, in terms of competency and pretty much

I mean this makes perfect sense to me. The child is no longer unborn, so he no longer cares