
Neutral: Despite it getting colder and days getting shorter, It’s still PRIME TIME FOR TRUCK AND BIKE STUFF

1st Gear:

No, they do not. While GM can certainly speed things up from their current pace, bringing a well-engineered vehicle to market takes time.

No one at Jalopnik (besides Tracy) really understands how long it takes to develop a vehicle, do they?

In terms of “shitty things auto CEO’s have said and done” — I feel like we have to grade on a curve. Is Elon Musk someone who speaks without a filter, often to his own detriment? Sure. I often criticize him, because his company deserves it. (So does his behavior.) But... Henry Ford wasn’t exactly a progressive. You

You don’t need a financial planner. Just autopiloting your 401(k) into a US index fund is light-years better than what it seems like Erik’s doing now.

“I say good luck to anyone who tells me they are going to buy Tesla stock or otherwise dibble and dabble in the stock market, which is all basically gambling despite what every MBA program in America will tell you. “

He’s dead, Jim

Why would anyone put up with the city if they can actually work remotely.  I think the opposite is likely to occur and more people will leave the cities.

Throw in remote work and an inevitable shift of population into cities and yeah.

Although not an ideal situation, the U.S. government was between a rocket and a hard place.

Are you saying Schilling is biased?  How dare you!

First gear is misleading in how the latter groups are represented. Yes they sided with the Trump administration, but they likely support having a singular standard, in an effort to simplify development and lower costs. 

Both sides deserve fault for giving extremists on both sides any kind of attention or platform to stand on. Life is one big bell curve and the faster 80% of this country stop giving the other 20% of dig bats a platform to stand on and sow divide the better off this country will be.

Good luck getting state inspections in every state. 

These things never really cover the difference between traditional 401k and Roth 401ks. For those wondering, these numbers are going to assume traditional where you are paying taxes on withdrawals. You can get by with slightly lower numbers if you have your money in a Roth 401k.

New Yorkers already pay this tax. It’s the New York City / Yonkers income tax, which is like paying a second state. I see small, poor states being forced to raise their income tax rates. How does Oklahoma or Kansas survive without a tax increase? They can’t keep taking from New York and California. We are paying our

Templeman believes that a $10 tax per WFH day would be reasonable for a person in the U.S. making $55,000 a year.

Literally one of the most idiotic ideas ever. We pay too much in taxes as it is. Another socialist ideal in the making...