
Here is my response to those who bag on Amazon. So what was the alternative before Amazon? WalMart. And what was WalMart all about? They were perhaps one of the most responsible companies who pushed manufacturing out of the US to China. Whereas when Sam Walton was alive the emphasis was on selling US-made products (

It also has Smaht Pahk.

2nd Gear:

GM Is Going On An Electric Car Hiring Spree.”

Some people are complaining about bad voice acting in the main game, but there has been no good voice acting in the modern era parts of these games since...ACIII? Black Flag? But that was when they started making the modern-day parts not really matter. Unity’s modern day was almost non-existant, and absolutely

RE 4th:

streamlined loot system.

YES YES YES. So glad they got rid of that tedious system. I was so sick and tired of getting 50 variants of the same f*cking weapon. It was the same thing that killed my enjoyment of Darksiders II.


Is it possible to skip the animus parts? They are such a mood killer.

I hate to review the review but this review was a great review.

Thanks! :)

Violating the bodies and minds of every sentient being in the galaxy, against their will?  No thanks. O_o

Why would you say Synthesis is the most evil? I chose it because it seemed like the most rational moral choice to me.

I know it’s tough to factor into an official review like this since they’re “unofficial” solutions, but there are at least two methods of running a Quest wirelessly tethered to a PC without additional hardware. The most popular is called Virtual Desktop, and I’ve played Alyx and almost every other PC VR title I own

Weirdly, it sounds like you’d like Andromeda best: open-world, crafting, exploration and map discovery, but with a lot of story and romance/RPG options.

HEY MISTER! We had to work HARD for our green option! We needed points! Five thousand of them! I deserve to see it in 4k!

This just reminds me that I played ME1 a few times, ME2 a few times, and ME3... once. No, I wasn’t one of the “Hold the Line” idiots, I didn’t have a problem with “three color choices! AAA!”

Happy N7 Day, everyone!

Jason, has NASA provided an official stance on whether the headlights will affect any potential anthropomorphism of the vehicle? Do we anticipate any change in the stance of the headlights, anthropomorphically speaking, with a regime change in the executive branch?

But Jason you missed the important question. Are they the eyes?

There is no permanently dark part of the moon.  There is a permanently “not facing Earth” side of the moon.

I agree, but for myself with an original XBOX One, Its going to be a huge difference. I can definitely see how people with an One X not wanting one right away though because its not as big of a jump. But the XBOX One was a damn good console and I will take a new version of that with a great SSD, updated controller,