
Manuals never went away. They're just called strategy guides now and sold separately.

Hell, I find that even crouching slows down the proper game flow. While they're at it take away movement too. After all it's unfair that those snobby hardcore gamers can change their positions willy-nilly.

Given how little money CA has left, yeah, it sure makes lots of sense to do this. On the other hand maybe they've some sort of backdoor publicity deal with Apple.

I hear it was forced to close after mere days due to the army of otaku that descended.

It kind of bothers me that you can be banned, for a service you've already paid for, for so many reasons. Of course the TOS is probably worded so that what amounts to "you'll be banned for using b*tch in your profile, yes even with the asterisk" probably doesn't read as such to the average Xbox user.

She may be hot but she's got no table manners! You aren't supposed to wear your napkin like that.

Are you claiming it's not as good as Nintendogs?

Aren't they taking religion out of Civ V?

Western RPGs, when they have them, tend to feature robust but overly complex face generators. As a result most creations end up looking borderline Neanderthal because despite the number of choices you have the range for making normal-looking faces is rather narrow.

Meh, like the Episode II style much better.

I for one will be sad when Japanese games stop being so Japanese.

@Diode: It's almost bad as WW2 bomber crew painting nekkid ladies on the nose of their planes!

I just hope bazaars don't end up clogging the streets like they do in so many games.

Did I just read a novel?

It does make sense if they're trying to woo people to their console by having extreme niche exclusives. Given the usually horrible sales of 360 JRPGs, the thinking must be hey if the mainstream won't buy it the otakus might!

He's got nothing on Prepared from WoW who plays 36 accounts at once or something.

Honestly judging by the amount of nun costumes in Japanese porn it's pretty much negligible compared to more popular costume fetishes like teacher, nurses, stewardesses, girls in bandage (thanks NGE) or even girls in dinosaur suits.

The app store game release graph looks exactly like this except x-axis is in days.

Isn't Dante's Inferno a Christian game? They should've supported it more.