Never received the $2 one you posted a couple of months ago. Now that I’ve finally got a refund, I’ll give this one a shot instead.
Never received the $2 one you posted a couple of months ago. Now that I’ve finally got a refund, I’ll give this one…
Never received the $2 one you posted a couple of months ago. Now that I’ve finally got a refund, I’ll give this one a shot instead.
Never received the $2 one you posted a couple of months ago. Now that I’ve finally got a refund, I’ll give this one…
i love my ka-bar spork.
i love my ka-bar spork.
I knew it... pee and poop weights a lot... so the key for good feelings is to drink water, hold in poop and pee, wear some clothes, get on the scale and shock yourself. release all fecal matters, dehydrate, strip naked, stand on scale and flex at the amazing accomplishment after a mild exercise.
That’s the main reason I hope this happens here: Prime preorder discount, and Best Buy’s Gamer’s Club Unlocked. If I could get the lowest price AND a digital game, that would be fantastic.
Many chromeboxes already have full support for the Play Store - so it’s not “future”, it’s now! The Asus C100 I just sold did. I was able to download the Word and Excel apps from the Play Store and it actually made the device (semi)useful. I still wouldn’t recommend them for anybody that wants to do work on them, but…
Seeing as it’s a theology class and not a morality class, this seems like an easy way to flunk the course.
Does this mean that the man has to fuck the church from time to time?
I really hate those questions and have never asked one, there’s a much better way to get the same problem solving results. Give the interviewee a real life scenario that will happen in the position they’re applying for and let them work that out.
Microdosing? Smoking weed? Amateurs - I worked at a startup where the CTO did cocaine in the bathroom, 80's style.
Meh. Both are fine comic actors in their own right, but this seems too high concept for them. I would’ve preferred something like a Doug Judy Private Eye show instead.
You might try Korean maki-style sushi, called “kimbap” or “gimbap”. Kimbap usually has cooked meat/fish fillings, and they are extra delicious, in their own way.. much stronger flavors, more variety of fillings, etc. They often use pickled daikon or kimchi as one of the ingredients, which is delightful. I’ve come to…
A “properly funded” pension system puts the money away at the right time and invests it at the right rate of return. The right time being during the career of the beneficiary.
Yo-yo’s are still dope.
Note that many of those things are popular stereotypes of Silicon Valley people. This is just the usual “smack on west coast liberals” bullshit that politicians like to do.
if Ajit Pai was a comedian like John Oliver, then yeah. but he’s the Chairman of the FCC. he should be more... professional?
First off, what “expert” is dumb enough to think the FTC would EVER let an apple/microsoft merger go through? (also, this would be horrible - OSX has gotten so much worse, while windows has gotten so much better, over the past 5ish years)
Is there supposed to be a noticeable difference in the before and after pictures?
The (obvious and truly rational) argument is that you’ve paid in all these years, you want your money back. But your money’s gone. It was spent decades before you retired. It would be considered fraud if anyone else did it.
The surplus has largely already been spent and there are no plans in place to pay it back. The current workforce is too small to support transfer payments from the young to the old.
I offer an alternative choice of Jockey’s No Panty Lines Promise bikinis. Before you discount this nomination as a women’s garment, just count up and read the male reviewers on the homepage and on Amazon to tally how many males like this brief. The Tactel nylon/spandex construction is a 21st century material which…
I offer an alternative choice of Jockey’s No Panty Lines Promise bikinis. Before you discount this nomination as a…