

As what sometimes feels like the lone person on the Internet who enjoyed the movie enough the first time to go see it again the next day I’m thrilled. Because, to me, the worst part of the film was not the thin plot, the bad age makeup or the biologist touched a snake-thing. The worst part was that it felt like the

Those are basic rules for proper trademark use. Moreover, they are standard rules. They can’t really stop the verbal language genericization — particularly in the absence of a credible competitor — any more than Coke, Kleenex, or Xerox could. But they can legally police more formal writing.

Everyone hates it so much but I loved the shit out of it and now I think maybe my taste-o-meter needs adjusting.

These are my sentiments, as well. Best movie ever? Hell no. As good as the first two? Not even close. Better then the third and fourth films? Hell yes. Would I go see a sequel to Genisys? Indeed I would.

I’m guessing they didn’t get the spoilery trailer.

You know, I had a good time with it. Far better than Rise and Salvation. It felt like it belonged with 1 and 2, even if it would be the weakest of those three to me.

So how many more years of the Winchesters repeating the same arguments and abandoning promising plotlines will we be subject to? I want the show to either get better or get bad enough my wife doesn’t want to watch it anymore.

Let me make sure I understand what you are saying:

The reason Otto’s Irresistible Dance is 8th Level is because it doesn’t allow either a saving throw or magic resistance. No matter how powerful your opponent is (Draco-Lich, Demi-God, Squirrel Girl) you take them off the board for 2-5 rounds- rounds where they can’t hurt you, heal their minions, or teleport away.

No, the Fantastic Four need to be scientific explorers or you lose too much of the team’s heart.

It’s amazing how recognizable they still are.

Aren’t the Kree the MCU stand-ins for the Skrulls?

Literally everything you said could be applied to women talking to men. The condescending tone this written with will not further your cause (whatever cause that is). Please, get your head out of your ass for the sake of society. Thank you.

I’m so hoping that this is him playing in a band with another renegade Time Lord played by Craig Ferguson. And then they drop acid together.

Supposedly, if the Daleks aren’t used at least once every season, then the rights revert to whomever originally invented them. I wish that we could take even one season off, but it just doesn’t seem possible. And they do try to mix it up everytime, so it’s not all bad.

Eh. They show up only once per season (as required) and they’ve been competent recently. As long as they don’t do what RTD used to do—have gazillions of Daleks show up and get wiped out by the end of the series finale, usually through some asspull deus ex machina—I say it’s fine.

It’s taken years but Syfy is rebuilding my enthusiasm and trust in them. Don’t blow it Syfy! No re-branding into PsyFie or SciFicTV or some crap, just keep her steady and rock the hell out of the original programming.