
God I fucking hate League of Legends


Nuts, I was hoping the fox would be a devil-may-care starfighter pilot.

He was fucking awesome in Where the Buffalo Roam as Hunter Thompson as well!

"I don't know your species, or your basic biological makeup, but I do know this: I will find you. And I will welcome you to earth."

He has had a role in nearly every one of Wes Anderson's feature length films, the only exception was Bottle Rocket:

He's elusive. Doesn't do many movies. Could do more. Apparently doesn't really have an agent: you phone him, he might answer...might not.

His indie films from the 00's really helped solidify his personality.

Now playing

Am I alone in not getting what makes Murray so popular?

Love. This. Book.


Oof, as much as I like Mikasa I think the top two spots heavily reflect the times in which the vote took place as those series are really popular at the moment. Revy should've easily cracked the top five.

I mean this good naturedly:

Thanks for the reply. It is interesting that the people polled preferred the exaggerated body proportions, and I think that there may be something to look into there. But it would require a sample that is not already playing games. It could easily be pointed out that a lot of the people who find that kind of content

I really wish that people would stop using "Star Wars" as their example of lasers, for exactly that reason.

Give me a real space cop!!

"it would mean that all alien civilizations would have to find space too big to bother with, or that interstellar space travel is technologically unfeasible. Neither is likely true."

I subscribe to Bill Watterson's theory: "The surest sign there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is that it hasn't tried to contact us."

Perhaps. But at least she can hold her own with many champions that think she is a free kill. That being said, some of her skills definitely can be pretty OP in the right conditions.

Lone coyote? Or nefarious alien THING hidden within, fleeing from potential hunters?