
Riot added in a new base-level cost (250 gold) to switch between the specialized items junglers purchase to beef up their character for the game. This makes it prohibitively expensive for junglers to swap between different items depending on which one will make them best-suited to take out a specific monster.

This season seems especially homogeneous in champion selection. I feel like we see the same champions every game with few exceptions. I've seen so much Jarvan this season it just makes me roll my eyes. Jungle's been the worst.

No but it is a democratic win for better or worse its all we could hope for.

Anyone that has played Asylum knows pretty well that Scarecrow can be badass.

One of the most important turning point in Tim Drake's comic book history is when he saved Batman from Scarecrow's fear toxin. That's when Bruce finally acknowledge him as Jason Todd's successor for the Robin mantle.

Sorry, I managed to click the publish button before beeing done writing. Here is the whole post:

Cool but always saw Gotham as an East Coast city, just fit it better somehow, far more "old world" than California.

Absolutely. David Fincher's director's cut of 'Alien 3' is easily my favourite instalment of the franchise.

Quite disappointed by this, Alien 3: The Assembly Cut is my favourite Alien film and did much to redeem it. This seem quite lazy.

I'm with you. Sadly, the original release of the film wasn't as the director intended. The later re-released Assembly Cut improved things drastically. I love it because of the way it brings the series back to the brooding nature of the first film. Personally, I preferred the xenomorphs being mysterious meat-grinders,

Alien 3 is a vastly underrated movie. It's a chilling meditation on nihilism from the man who would give us Se7en, and honestly it was a terrifically ballsy U-turn from the gung-ho militaristic bombast of Aliens.

I think we're the only two ones. Loved watching it before the school bus in the morning.

People focus on the Joker as "chaos" to Batman's "order", but Scarecrow is just as much a twisted mirror, "fear" to "courage". Someone who delights in imposing terror upon others, in preying on their fears and weakness, is a wonderfully dark parasite of a person, and Scarecrow has done this admirably plenty of times

In Double Dragon III, for example, you were given a single life at the start of the game — not nearly enough for a game of its difficulty. Ninja Gaiden was another game, filled with perilous jumps and 'bounce back' physics, where the difficulty of the levels didn't match with the number of chances you had to conquer

Hah! Actually, I think it works better with the emphasis on the second syllable, ba-THROOM!

From the perspective of an outsider to comics but a fan of its properties in media, streamlining is good. At this point, the tree of comics has grown (hooray) to the point where you cannot (aww) both maintain the status quo and also grow it further in the long term. Comics have done their job too well: characters are

Yeah, I expect hearing people have the same problem, perhaps to a lesser degree than those of us with audio issues. But no, I can't even go to cinema anymore without feeling like my eardrum is burst, so I agree, they don't mix sound properly now.

This is kind of a niche device, but as a draftsman, I am big, big fan of lead holders. It's kind of like a cross between a regular, wooden pencil and a mechanical pencil. Better than both of them a thousand times over.

I do have a hearing disability and I have the problem you describe with most movies and some TV shows. I don't know why they think the background noise and music has to be louder than the dialogue. I understand that movie makers may think it adds to the atmosphere or tension in the scenes but by covering up the

A couple complaints