
If I had to choose I'd take it over SHIELD.

This is his costume from one of the most highly regarded Daredevil arcs ever produced.

For what it's worth, I like a fun, nostalgic "easter egg" as much as the next long-time fan. I loved that Batroc the Leaper (of all characters) popped up briefly in THE WINTER SOLDIER, albeit minus the over-the-top mustache and accent.

But when I say how exactly they did it in the comics "doesn't matter," I'm just

You would be correct, sir/madam.

If the books are changing to fall in line with the movies, that's stupid. There's nothing wrong with the two being distinct from each other in certain ways.

We'd have to explain about our current toolset and engine architecture, which could potentially expose some internal secrets and technology.

that's not the author's point. It's basically "don't be a dick" to the devs. Let them know everything that's wrong with the game, give them a low score, but consider that they might not have been fully satisfied with the end product either, not because of their incompetence, but rather because of a time crunch or

I used to have a poor mindset and decided to cut devs a lot of slack as of late. Which is why I feel really bad for the Halo MCC team. But one I can go with is when the Xbox guy (his name escapes me and I don't want to look it up) said how hard could it be to add a screenshot feature to Xbox One? I had those same

It was a grind if you wanted it to be. Like, if you were a completionist.

Videogame development in a big, harsh, rotten nutshell:

There was an int in the bottom right of the Hawk-Eye roof scene. Right after he runs out of ammo you see an ant crawling up his hand.

.... but he wasn't introduced. So that brings us to where we are now.

I'm not exactly sure on more audience savvy with a fusion reactor being secretly built out of spare parts in a cave while under hostile observation being one of the more grounded elements of Stark, but I get the point.

I think there was a rumor that the elder Ant-Man, Pym, would be in a scene in the film where he meets with Howard Stark, Peggy Carter, and Arnim Zola to discuss the beginning of S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers Initiative.

I think in the 60's it's cool for any scientist just to go around making anything and everyone. Like Reed for example. There isn't anything Reed can't do.

Not being the comics expert, I think it makes a load more sense for the guy who makes his own AI, armor suits, and essentially self sufficient drones (Iron Man 3) to create Ultron more than a physicist or a theif.

Totally agree, I really liked Garfield as Spiderman! Way better than Tobey!!(even though Spiderman 2 still stands as the best Spiderman movie ever)

Ehh, The Dark Beak Rises wasn't all that great.

Sorry. I had to.
Anyways fair enough.
I see where you're coming from.
I've become so accustomed to the exploitative, almost pulp-like manner in which the New 52 writers tend to treat sex and violence that it honestly didn't even seem realistic to me that they were going for something else.
But again I see your

uh uh uh