
I read the forever Evil ARGUS issues, and The Flash show set up makes the co-dependent thing less creepy than in the comic. Still don't want to loose her as part of the team.

Being canon or not, doesn't matter.

Yah, I know it is fom Detective Comics. More precisely, her vilains month origin issue, which was mostly panned. Are you telling me Amanda Waller told her to kill kids with exploding video games? Cause if that is what you mean, then that mean they fucked up two female character in one. Not that they had not already

Actually, it's a trademark issue, not copyright. If they don't do this, they will lose their legal rights to the Fallout trademark.

People seem to forget that. Bethesda is LEGALLY OBLIGATED to file this motion otherwise they lose their protection. It's happened before. Aspirin, Thermos, HEROIN, Escalator, Cellophane were all once trademarked brands and lost them due to gentrification.

like I said, they act like humans.

We need a non white female cop that identifies as a pan sexual shooting an Indian man in drag.

No worries at all — I think I'm probably going to take a pass on talking about this stuff until there are more details. If people want to think this is going to be a disaster or Marvel is going to use Miles or whatever, who am I to say otherwise.

I was excited that they were adding Atom to the shows, but now Swamp Thing!? Fuck yeah!

More comic films? Count me in, too! Inhumans should be huge... and I even liked how they introduced them in AoS.

What we haven't gotten is Spiderman in his prime. The guy who can fight Kingpin or the Sinister Six with confidence. The guy who partners with the Avengers from time to time as an equal. The guy who was a key player in Secret Wars.

This is the first instance of a movie franchise being killed not by poor box office or by critical hatred, but by FAN BACKLASH. Internet bloggers and Internet critics killed the ASM franchise. Both of the two movies topped 50% on RottenTomatoes, and the last year's film not only topped $200 million but, more

It seems to me that the best thing an MCU Spider-Man movie could do would be to play up the character's everyman qualities. He's not a billionaire genius, he's not a God of Thunder, he's not a living legend from WWII or a space fighter or a brilliant scientist turned tragic rage monster. He's just a regular — albeit

My biggest worry is that Marvel will have to spend so much time jumping through Sony hoops to include Spider-Man in their MCU that it will negatively affect all their other movies and franchises, which would be a damn shame — I'd rather have a Captain Marvel movie than a dozen Spider-Man guest-appearances in

Holy shit, I agree with Bricken? Has hell frozen over?

I was going to write something, but thanks. Developers use Chrome and Safari for a pretty damn good reason. Gotta love webkit too.

That was beautiful. You're beautiful.

Those weren't Marvel films, except for Thor and Captain America. Daredevil, Wolverine, the terrible X-Men movies (like X3), Fantastic Four, those were all owned by other studios.

Spider-Man has always been profitable. Even the last one, which was a "disappointment" to many, made a ton of money. It just didn't make Avengers-level money, which is what Sony wanted, so now they're getting the guy that runs the studio that made the Avengers to help them make Spider-Man. That's all this is. You

Oh, Firefox is a TOOL alright.