
So as long as they stay the hell away from the Wanda/Pietro romance. Thanks for making me throw up in my mouth a bit, Ultimates. You won't be missed.

I've been more of a Marvel Zombie than a DC guy for the most part. I read the Bat books and GL titles up until the New52 and then I just stopped giving a shit. They just up and threw away a ton of stuff just because.

I don't mind what they did with Johnny Storm, really. But I want them to make a FF film, not a

Idris Elba can do whatever the hell he wants quite frankly!

I thought Favs left to do something else as a director - he's still a producer on both Avengers movies and Iron Man 3.

Too many world ending disasters in the solo movies and no Avengers showing up is stretching the credulity of an already slightly incredulous premise. And half baked fan theories like "they're working in secret offscreen " just makes it worse. The best way to do it is to make the solo movies' threats smaller in scale

No, no, it's WolverIIIne.

I'm really excited about where we're going mainly because, as I tweeted out, when all is said and done with Season 3, stabbing Oliver through the chest and kicking him off a cliff will end up being the least crazy thing we do all year.

Sooooooo does this mean it's going to be called Wolverin3?

Here's what you're not getting:

I thought this was a story about Cyclops at first glance.

As Oracle, Barbara was truly unique, the first "information age" heroine, fighting crime with her brain and computer skills, a heroine created before the dawn of the internet really took off. She became defined as more than just "female" Batman, she created the Birds of Prey herself and lead them, and she refused to

Personally, it was the end of Oracle that really did it for me. I feel like Barbara Gordon is a much more generic character now. They've basically made her a redheaded Stephanie Brown.

90's is definitely the vibe I get. You can make a woman empowered without making her the lead singer of an all girl rock band.

Welcome to 1994! We're throwing a party!

Why? She is a mechanic, she likes fine tuning her gear. Makes sense to me.

Renee Montoya had a run as The Question

Thanks for being at least one other person who grasps this. The "starfire is a bad influence or a slut" arguement pisses me off to no end.

See now, it seems like that's the kind of exposition you may want to include in the movie, since there are probably a lot more fans that didn't read the "prequel" comics than there are that did.

Well, seeing as he was never played by an Indian in the past, I don't see what the problem is now.