
Star Wars Episode VII: The MacGuffin Awakens

Star Wars EU is filled with bad fiction and a lit of these rumors comes from there, especially when they are spread by people who wants to keep the EU alive.

As a black man myself, I really don't mind and grew up knowing the character as Black Panther.

White Black Widow?

Kelly Kapowski

Making a live action Astro Boy makes as much sense as making a live action Mickey mouse film. Astro Boy works well as an animated character because of the style he's drawn in. Just like the Power Puff girls, he's cute but he also kicks ass. He would not look that cute if he were live action. He'd just be creepy.

Ah Kelly Kapowski, my first random boner.

You know, the 2009 Astro Boy is a movie I always enjoy revisiting, even if it's not like the original stories. I'll be curious how they make the movie a long-lasting franchise when a kid actor would age in front of our very eyes.

I remember seeing that video at the first SDCC I ever went to!

My wild theory – The new Flash takes place in the same universe as the old Flash show. Barry's Dad is the "Flash" that killed his wife because she was sleeping with Dr Wells.

He is severely underpowered. Whatever happened to the Superman that can MOVE stars into alignment? The one that let robots do all of his everyday work? All we get is a guy who is just more than a bird, more than a plane, some pretty face beside a train.

We don't agree often but I'm totally behind this. I get frustrated with people who say things like this and it really doesn't make you any better than the super religious people who are saying shit like that about non-believers.

I think that's fine.

Ahem..."Evil Midnight Bomber what bombs at midnight"

I keep a "hard copy" on a USB drive for each computer! Definitely agree with that.

The optical drive is totally optional, if you ask me. I have a USB one he used for installing a couple of old old games, but other than that, even windows was installed with USB flash drive.

The 600$ build (from my memory) was a 30$ mid case, 500W PS (this part wouldn't do SLI), 3.2Ghz Dual-Core Pentium, 1160(? the new one) chipset motherboard mid atx, NVidia 750ti graphics card, 128GB SSD (SUPER IMPORTANT), 1TB HDD, 8GB Ram. It plays almost all games on High (right now) and the games it won't do on high,

It should be somewhere in the comments, but I got another request to post the specs, i'll go find it and copy/paste

On the CPU- Exactly! That CPU he got was 50$ (Seriously?!) and is plenty fast as long as you have a kick-ass (compatible!) graphics card and a mobo that can be upgraded with a better card later, so shop CHIPSETS not FEATURES necessarily.

on Wheel, wouldn't that be a "phrase" rather than a "thing"?