
The director did. It was called Chronicle. You can’t bottle lightning twice, especially when you try to rewrite characters that already exist and have a defined place already to audiences. I think that’s the point they all missed.

And yet that movie still made $1 billion + at the box-office.

Bruce is, and he is in charge of The Killing Joke project (bad place to start though).

Oh come on now! That’s just cruel...

I do as well. The issue is that the Victorian aspects are what cemented the idea of “Steampunk,” as it was initially an offshoot of Cyberpunk. The Victorian themes and visuals are what encapsulate the idea of Steam powered inner-workings for extremely complex technologies - computer chips, computational machines, for

This is a great article! I’ve loved Gundam for years, Stardust Memory and War in the Pocket being some of the best in my opinion. However, I would be a stickler on this point -

Basic math, the Topaz Plant produces 1000 Gigawatt-hours per year, at a cost of 2.5 billion dollars. It also doesn’t power a large enough area for very long. The Alta Wind Energy Center - largest Wind Farm in the US - generates about 1690 GWh per year, and has so far cost 1.85 billion. By contrast, the Susquehanna

Your “green energy” it would cost trillions of dollars to implement. Using the Topaz Solar Farm as an example, it would cost roughly 73 Trillion dollars to build enough photovoltaic cells. For the world? You would need 191,817 square miles of it, roughly the size of Spain. In the US? 141,458

There are a lot of issues with your statements -

You’d be surprised to find that Porn accounts for only 2.75% of the Tor network (the most common Darkweb network). That’s the same as blogging. It’s human traffickers, illegal markets, hard drugs, and Bitcoin farming that comprise the most of it.

It probably became popular with Japanese tweens

I still maintain that the original cut of Evolution was over 3 hours long or was 2 movies. The version that hit theaters was cut to hell in the editing room. There were so many scenes that looked as if they went on longer but were hacked for pacing concerns. The Volcano fight scene is a good example of this

Obligatory lol. Beyond that, I really hope this gets done. I would love to know more about what’s underneath that ice in my lifetime. If this does get launched I’m recommending that it broadcast the song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” while entering orbit...

Alright, I’ll bite. I didn’t hate Sucker Punch and here’s why - I saw the trailers and thought this would be so stupid and bubble-gum harmless. Instead, the film literally lived up to its name, it gave the audience a sucker punch. I can’t blame Snyder for that, it delivered on the title itself - quite literally. I

I’d like to solve the puzzle - Dis Gonna be Good!

To be fair, the show Enterprise is actually in continuity with the new Trek films. Reason being is that they take place before the Narada’s arrival so there’d be no displacement of the timeline. Taken into account, Starfleet would have had a rather recent run-in with the Eugenics from Khan’s era with Arik Soong. They

Exactly my point. However, Marvel and Sony seem hellbent on keeping Parker as some teenager to appeal to a mass audience. They simply will not allow the character to mature on screen. Even the Toby Maguire films featured very little maturation, especially the 3rd film featured a regression - and they still won’t let

If you actually want to know -

See, this is where the “dark and gritty” would apply to Spider-Man. The Kraven stroyline “Fearful Symmertry” is rough and should be presented as much. Plus it features the Black Costume era Spider-Man, which would require a bit of set-up possibly, but since it’s not the symbiote, probably not. However, the dark