
Not sure if you were agreeing with my analysis of Gordon’s torture being partly sexual or not. If not, then how would you explain simply taking photos of one who is nude as being more of a sexual assault than Gordon being disrobed and carted around as a submissive animal? The photos were of the wound and her face, we

Well to be fair, it is negative. I agree with you on Sarah Lance, though. That wasn’t a fridging as it was a direct lead-in to character growth on the show for Thea, Laurel Lance, and the return of Nyssa (and her growth as well). It also concerned the relationship of Malcom and the League of Shadows. It wasn’t a

The best adaptation of this story was in The Batman cartoon. No Babs, no female exploitation. Joker simply wants to twist and turn Batman’s best friend against him and make someone understand that it only takes one bad day to change a life. It works in the show and we get Clayface as a result.

Point 1 - don’t argue with Jman40513. Trust me.

The funny thing about this is that Jenette Kahn was in charge of its editorial and publishing process. She was president of the company at the time it was released as well. She was instrumental in the release of all the books we look at from Miller, Moore, etc. She became Editor-in-Cheif after Killing Joke’s release

To be fair, all works not done by the creators of the characters in question is Fan-Fiction.

Reviews don’t really mean much in the grand scheme of things. Look at every Transformers film for a simple reference, they make a ton of money every time they’re out but are widely reviled by fans. The Pirates of the Carribean franchise is another good example. People in America hated the 4th film, but it was the

1. It made 50 million against an 88 million budget. Not great, but not flop territory.

Best thing to see on a Monday morning! I love this band - tattoo on my arm and everything. The most exciting experience was seeing them in New York back in 2010 at the Roseland Ballroom with Sugizo on guitar. I have never sensed a level of brotherhood with fans of a band in my entire life. They still introduce hide

You actually get rewards at the end of the season if you reach a certain Elo rank. Rewards are a special skin for a champ that can’t be obtained any other way than to reach that rank before the end of a season. So people are paying skilled people to get these rewards that they wouldn’t be able to get otherwise.

It would have been cool if Whedon gave a damn, but he didn’t. He never liked the show, never liked the idea of Coulsen being alive. When he came out and stated that, and how he feels like the show doesn’t aid the films in any way, it bothered me that he was involved at all.

You know, I was typing that at work and couldn’t quite remember it. Thanks for pointing it out. I wasn’t sure I was remembering correctly. Thanks!

Once again I agree, except that all of the Phase 2 films were building for AoU and it felt more like a passing bump in the road on the way to Civil War. I think it is endemic of the issue within Marvel itself. So it needs to be looked at in terms of where Marvel rose to and where it currently sits. The Incredible Hulk

I agree with what you stated.

Yeah that bothered me a bit. Fixed it.

And Star Trek’s “hard science” falls apart XD. You have exactly the right questions for that situation. It doesn’t make sense. It never did. Same as Scotty “freezing” himself in the transporter matrix for 70+ years.

Which is kind of another issue. Imputing commands into the computer and designating a target that may or may not be where you’re currently aiming is a little shoddy. A computer can run however many TF of computing it can, but given a phaser spread that lasts for a split second versus a continuous barrage I think is

And therein lies the entire issue at hand. This isn’t real science as none of this exists. I’ve always taken transporters to function of an energy beam. Think of it like a IR beam. It is still there, we just can’t see it. So if it got deflected by anything or was in danger of being reflected (which has happened in the

Nope. That’s minimal power TO phasers. The power doesn’t run out, but rather damage my interfere with the power routing. The reactor doesn’t run out of power

Considering the entire Dominion War happened at close range. Or that every engagement with a ship has been within close visual range ever depicted on screen in Star Trek I would say you might want to rethink that.