
A concentrated beam of particles that loses intensity over time due to an energy flow would not keep up with the concentrated fire from the Tibana gas-powered Turbolaser. Their shots carry the same force with each shot. The damage per second might be initally greater for a Phaser spread, but the damage over time from

That’s fair enough. However, go back to how a transporter works. It breaks down molecules and then beams them through by their physical building blocks. It is theoretically possible that the deflector (particle shields) would be able to deflect this. It also is possible that the energy using to transport the

So Worf standing on the bridge of the Enterprise, or Nog on the Defiance are manually aiming the phasers? Oh wait, they were. They also miss, a lot. They also are more about pinpoint targeting and DPS, while a Star Destroyer is more DOT. Also, the Enterprise had barely traversed a portion of the galaxy and ran into

Haha thanks. When I was younger I wrote a ton of fan-fiction bridging the two worlds. I always equated the Enterprise-A as being like a Victory-class SD, while the Enterprise-E would be the equivalent of a Imp-Star Deuce.

It didn’t destroy the SSD. They lost navigational guidance and the gravitational pull of the Death Star caused them to crash. That’s why it went down. It also took several fighters to knock out the shield generators and several Mon Cal starships to do it. It took a lot of work to bring it down, but that A-Wing pilot

Completely agree! I also liked Red Monika from Battle Chasers. She was designed to be the Jessica Rabbit of comics and was created on purpose that way. However, her attitude, story and character interaction with Garrison was well written. That and she was offset by Gully, who was a major baddass. I wish that comic had

And the Enterprise could get hit by a couple torpedoes or phaser spreads, and suddenly their shields are failing? This happened every episode they were in combat. What’s your point? The A-Wing was pure luck that it smashed into the bridge after they knocked out the shield generators. They lost guidance control and

What do you think the pulses are made of? Particles! It’s not a concussive blast like an exploding missile. They are different yields of kinetic energy. Turbolasers fire super-heated tibana gas that are essentially a “gas bullet” that contains a finite amount of mass.

The thing I liked about DG was that it walked that fine line knowingly. The scene where Abby gets bit on the butt by the dog and her pants get torn. She makes a joke about male heroes not having to go through this. It’s hilarious.

He’s a rather large television actor over in Britain, where he’s from obviously. He’s been in way more than I realized at first. I agree, I wish he’d get a bit more recognition. At least give us some other choices than Idris Elba (love the guy but come on!).

Actually not really. In terms of tech anyway. Star Destoryers carry Ion Cannons which are specifically designed to sap shield energy from a capital ship. Also, their fighter compliment would act as a screen first. So the Enterprise would have to deal with the concussion blasts from missiles and torpedoes, plus

Um. No. That meme is wholly incorrect. Star Destroyers are like Battleships in space. They have shields, both Kinetic and Energy. Those spherical constructs on the bridge structure are the generators. That’s why the fighters were targeting them in RotJ. They have to take those out first in order for the torpedoes to

Essentially. Which is ironic because the Tim Burton film actually grossed more than the Rise of the Planet of the Apes film domestically.

Thinking about it further -

Purple CRYSTAL Scorpion!!! And yes. He’s incredibly fun. I have a friend who mains him and some of the things I’ve seen him makes me die laughing every time. His most used quote

That’s Paul W. Anderson for you. The man may have some serious flaws in execution, but his casting has always been on point. Lawrence Fishburn, Sean Pertwee, and Sam Neil in the same film? Milla and Michelle - twice no less!? And let’s not forget, my personal favorite,

Haha gotcha. Nope. Still gets the theatrical release.

Can’t tell if sarcasm? They actually kept pulling in higher and higher grosses until the last one took a slight step backwards. However, each film nearly does triple it’s budget in returns. They’re actually a good investment for Sony. Moderate budget against solid returns.

I respect the well written post, but I don’t agree. The Incredible Hulk stands almost 100% against the Whedon iteration of Banner/Hulk persona. That is the first film in the MCU and he chose to ignore it’s character building. In fact, story aside here, Norton’s contract states that if he is on a film he gets creative

Fair enough. I was using stories and ideas across his British and American releases, and if I used the wrong term then I apologize. I know how many films and seasons Hitchcock did, I own them. That’s why I was confident stating that he’d remade the same stories multiple times. There were 360 episodes in his TV show.