
Totally okay to not agree mate lol. That’s just life. I’m sure you’re quite right in your opinion, but like you said -

Yes. The complaining does not help. You gotta realize you’re working with a new champ and take the bads with the goods. There’s a lot of bugs with him still, especially his W - I experienced quite a few last night myself.

Not arguing the troll part, cause it was. I was just curious as to the situation. Thanks for elaborating. That really sucks to hear. I’ve literally been playing nothing but Tahm since he came out and I don’t do anything near what you’re describing.

The more recent article only reaffirms that he likes the originals and didn’t want to “touch” them.

If you’re going to apply the “reboot” analogy to Feig, but then take away what Hitchcock says about his own work, that’s a little trite. It wasn’t incorrect from the point of view of the director, which is what I elaborated on. Whether you agree with him or not is your issue. Not mine. You aren’t calling me out on

He would use similar stories for Alfred Hitchcock Presents and then expand them into films or use his films as springboards for the television program. The Lady Vanishes is a good example as he remade it into Into Thin Air. He considered them films, even TV. The only one that was named the same would be The Man Who

Okay, thank you. Considering that first one was from October 2014, no script had been written and he was talking about his “vision” that’s not really much to go by nearly a year later. You’re taking what he said as gospel, and that’s fine I can understand where you’re coming from. The more recent article only

Certain skins for characters come with hats. Lulu and Veigar wear them constantly as apart of their character model. As does Miss Fortune. The best hats are worn on two specific skins for two different champions. Gentleman Cho’Gath and Gentleman Gnar wear top-hats.

That seems more like a communication thing. If you were on Skype or something, let him know you’re going in for the kill. If you had it secured there shouldn’t be a reason for him to W you.

How did he do this? Even with max CDR you should have finished the Nexus off before his cool-downs came off for his W. Why not move to the other side of the Nexus? This seems rather odd, not saying it didn’t happen, just odd.

End Line lol

From what source?

Common knowledge from what source?

Quote your source. I don’t mind a fact, but quote it please. Where did he say this? Why isn’t this in any of the official plot synopsis out there?

Oh he’s a troll. Even bigger than Bard and I love the HELL outta this guy! I don’t actually use him to troll, but the potential is there. I honestly call his W (Devour) a “time-out.” I have used it on numerous occasions on teammates who are simply being rude for no reason at all. I don’t do it to cause them death

Haha, well thank you, and you’re probably correct. The Ghostbusters franchise fills this huge place in my heart so I’m willing to try and have faith. I, however, completely agree with you about Feig, and that’s dating all the way back to Heavyweights from the 90’s.

Historically movies weren’t remade every 5 years

That’s why I mentioned there’s no year given. It could very well be that this takes place in the 80’s. Judging by the set designs and the Ecto-1 this could be a possibility. If we’re to assume the possibility of a relative connection (DNA relative, not theoretical relative) Think of it this way, and this is what I’m

It might, it might not. We’re a year out from it so we don’t know. There’s nothing in the plot synopsis to set it up differently. No year, no idea of how they got the equipment, not even who their characters are. At one point it was thought that one of them was related to one of the original Ghostbusters. If that’s

Erin Gilbert (Wiig) and Abby Bergman (McCarthy) are a pair of unheralded authors who write a book positing that ghosts are real. A few years later Gilbert lands a prestigious teaching position at Columbia University, but her book resurfaces and she is laughed out of academia. Gilbert reunites with Bergman and others