
I understand that, but it doesn’t change the idea that this could exist in tangent with the first film. The remakes of Halloween, Friday the 13th, etc weren’t one-offs and were remakes.

The investigators stood by the lava, the heat already beginning to penetrate their suits outer layers. Quickly they set about tapping away on data-pads, making sure to note every detail of the scene. As they finished their notes they turned their attention to a patch of ground between them. Even though this world was

A reboot, not a remake. They are different. A reboot of the franchise allows for this. A reboot allows the franchise to come back to life without continuing the original story.


You’re off base. It won’t be misandry comments. It’ll be the “whitewashing” comments. The Ancient One was asian.

What Alien Queen are you referring to? Divine Angel yes.

That was a Halle Mary of a pun don’t you think?

Your puns may end up invisible, I found them to be on fire. I would just be wary of a heated debate as people can’t seem to wrap their logic around things.

Actually, if they were going to shoehorn anything in, they should have shoehorned Betty Ross in. A take charge General’s daughter who loves Banner and commands the respect of those around her. She’s a main point of the Incredible Hulk which is the second MCU film in Phase 1. Whedon just ignored that film completely.

You are 100% correct and was a great arc in the first film. By the end of the film The Hulk had come to terms with his anger to the point where he was a controlled and functioning member of the Avengers team in the Battle of NY. He spoke as the Hulk, made choices as the Hulk and listened to commands. The last shot,

I see where you’re coming from, but I respectfully disagree. The character of Buffy was done in order to subvert the traditional trope of weak females. She’s a slayer and he’s a Vampire. One that had been plaguing them for years. The context you speak of? Makes it worse.

Like exactly what happened after her attack by Hulk in Avengers?

Oh I totally agree. Which is rather even more upsetting as Hawkeye was badly misused for that. It elevated his reasoning for not pairing Clint and Natasha, which in the comics is the entire reason she defected to the US. They’re love is actually what caused Hawkeye to join the Avengers after she was kidnapped. Their

On that we’d 100% agree.

See, that’s where I would disagree. All Natasha had to say to Bruce, and it would also be a good joke, “Bruce. It’s 20XX. We can adopt.” There was no need to go further with her backstory about forced sterility. Her murders and training were enough for the “monster” line to be equatable.

Well if you like the genre though, might I recommend the following -

And that’s the issue.

Those would be The Real Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbusters shows.

That show was based on a 1975 series called The Ghost Busters - trademark applied differently. In 1986 when the animated show came out it was relabeled Ghostbusters to capitalize on the “new” films popularity. The 1986 animated show based on Peter, Winston, Ray and Egon was titled The Real Ghostbusters to avoid