
The TF film was entirely hand drawn with the exception of some wire-framing effects during the Unicron conversion scene - the animated effects of the TF’s transforming were hand-drawn howeer - but the cells themselves were hand-done. It was made before the widespread advent of Computer generated graphics, layouts, as

You are correct. I own the Manga as well. Akira didn’t cut corners with the production also and is one of the few animes to be rendered in 24 unique frames per second. Most anime runs at 24fps, but doubles up (called 2’s in the industry). It is one of the only animated films to ever do that. Not only that but it ran

Aid possibly, but the cells were hand drawn and painted. Cite a source that states otherwise. Computers weren’t used heavily in traditional Animation until the advent of the CAPS system which debuted in 1989 and was widely utilized in the 1990 film Rescuers Down Under. Before then, everything was hand-drawn with the

There were no CG effects at all. It was 100% hand drawn.

Right up there with these two lovelies...

Since everyone stared it, but no answer, yes lol.

Shinji, Rei’s gone bye-bye. What do you have...

Reworded - This shit isn’t even high level lol play

The next time someones asks if you a re a god. You. Say. YES!!!

Okay, you have one too. Sorry you didn’t feel like discussing it further. I’m optimistic for The Force Awakens as well.

Why can’t I? You’re declaring them as plot holes and they weren’t. It seems you’ve decided that Jedi are omnipotent and should be able to sense everything at all times. You’ve also decided the idea that Jedi share everything they do with everyone in the Order. All of these are creations within your opinion of the what

They were also a parody of Ronin.

I see my Foot Clan has left their mark...

The Clone Wars completely counts. It is canon. And no, your Mon Cal reference is only on point to you. Because Admiral Ackbar is never called a Mon Calamari on screen. Which means calling him as such means your pulling information from the EU and additional information. If you had called him Ackbar, then fine, but you

Yea I screwed it up lol

Exactly. The best you can do is make the choice and hope for the best. That was Marvel’s idea behind the bait and switch during IM3, and a lot of people had a bad reaction to it.

That’s both true and not. A lot of independent films get greenlit based on a sizable return on investment. A lot of unique ideas are released, but they’re under studio banners that are mitigated for releasing those kinds of films. Mirimax, Dimension, Touchstone (which did Pulp Fiction) were all a part of Buena Vista

That’s both true and not. A lot of independent films get greenlit based on a sizable return on investment. A lot of unique ideas are released, but they’re under studio banners that are mitigated for releasing those kinds of films. Mirimax, Dimension, Touchstone (which did Pulp Fiction) were all a part of Buena Vista

Not saying that at all. It’s just an interesting character to get right and replacing one stereotype with another is a slippery slope. Even making him of European features works because he’s half English, and a noble at that. The real issue is that Marvel is sort of in a corner with this one. I mean, he did briefly