
Actually, it isn’t so colorblind. The Mandarin’s mother in the comics was English. So they could simply be using facial features to give him a more prominently European look, but it’s still rooted in the idea of the original character. English Noblewoman and a descendant of Genghis Khan. Doesn’t necessarily mean he

That doesn’t change anything. Many already see China as overtaking the US in terms of business prowess. and is stretching their military muscle throughout the Pacific Rim at the moment. Making him the Chinese equal of Tony Stark would just condemn the stereotype that Asians are still trying to take over, even at the

Bye Felicia...

Red Flag #1 - That’s why they sent Obi Wan in the first place. To figure what this was. That was the point of his trip. It was odd that the order was made by a man who they thought to be dead. Therefore an investigation was needed. Off he goes.

I carry this book in my car with me at all times. I’m named after this damned seagull which I still find ironic. I often tell my parents when they question my choices in life and I tell them,

I never said the scene did this. What the scene does is set up the tone in the Senate in terms of their paranoia. Which yes, they are talking about commissioning one. So when Palpatine takes over, he’s already got it in play. At that point the Senate was fearful and wanted a solution quickly, which happens in real

1. He did buy into it. It was his dream and his vision, provided by the Force that seemed to have created him by parthenogenesis. His mother wanted him to leave and become more. Qui Gon couldn’t interfere any more than he already had. The Jedi had a sort of “Prime Directive” of sorts. Although I believe he was taken

Now playing

Ironically, this gets addressed in a scene that was cut from the beginning of Attack of the Clones. This set the entire tone of the film and was cut. Essentially the Senate was fearful of the the oncoming war and commissioned the army. Palpatine already had it in production, so he just went “Here you go guys.” That

Yoda openly states this. “A Prophecy misread perhaps.”

Specifically the house of Jor-El, which he had sworn to destroy. He promised to end his son and all that was important to him. So when Jor-El’s house emblem is discovered, and boom! Revenge takes over.


Oh it’s fantastic. It reintroduces a lot of the ideas that DC wanted to introduce with the Wonder Woman pilot in 2011 but people weren’t ready for it then. I’m really excited for this to start airing next to Flash!

I...I can’t stop watching. It gets funnier every time XD!

Ironically this translates elsewhere as well. You are spot on about the “default male” line.

The first season is kind of like a slap in the face coming off of Batman The Animated series. And yes I agree it was pretty rough going. It focused too heavily on style rather than substance. I mean, Bane showed up in episode 2? Nope.

Ah...Far Side. Miss that comic.

Oh come on! You gotta be kitten me! Why didn’t we see this before? We should whisk them all away now, for the safety of science.

I’m good with this. Nathan Fillion as Hal, constantly reminding Pine/Gardner - with that classic Fillion snark - that he was too “slow” to be Green Lantern.

Enjoy it! Just know that it takes liberties with the origins of certain characters and is wholly different than The Animated Series. Season 3 introduces Batrgirl and she’s fantastic.

It’s not really dreadlocks either, although to be fair I see where you’re coming from. The show is very heavily influenced by Manga/Anime and such. Jeff Matsuda lead the team and his art is reminiscent of Joe Madureria and that era of comics. So the hair is just that, hair, but it happens to project the idea of a