I hear you.
I hear you.
I don't want to be dark, but it looks like that guy that had his eyes and nose eaten off by fungus. Like something that should be there, just isn't.
The last couple of albums took several listenings for me to warm up to them, but yeah, this album is a pretty great return to form.
Compare a sphere to a torus. On the sphere you have lines of the same circumference that must converge on one point (longitudinal) and parallel lines that have diminishing circumferences from the equator to the poles (latitudinal). On the torus, all lines are both parallel and equal in circumference. The Sonic 3…
Earthbound, schmearthbound.
And somehow, this teaches you how to read.
I'm not hating on the new game, it looks great in fact. But in situations like this I wish it was simply either a 100% accurate HD remake, or an all new full sequel.
You're right, though. People are excited about this game as if the original game has been mysteriously erased from existence. I still have the original…
I'm both super stoked for this and a little sad. Sometimes things are left better as legends.
Immediately upon finally reaching the top of the ladder, I pondered. I stood there considering my options; move on and have a nagging uncertainty pulling at the back of my mind, or just do it and know for sure, but pay the consequences.
Blah, blah, blah. Wrong Gabe.
Although I agree that mixing sex and violence is pretty abhorrent, I don't really agree with this article at all. There is a difference between nudity and sexuality. Unfortunately, America's puritanical stance on sex has warped it's citizens minds into confusing the two at all times. I don't see the nudity in…
Finding an arcade machine with someone else's credit remaining and getting the high score?
Sounds like he played Kid Icarus: Uprising for an hour.