Too Much Cowbell

This statement is incorrect. Dredd, viewed as what used to be called a “B-movie” or a “drive-in movie,” is purely fantastic. It is not cerebral but it is coherent, fast-paced, visually intriguing and extraordinarily well-directed—IMO one of the best films of 2012.

- soak the carpets of the NRA’s offices with blood

I’ve seen both The Rapture and The Mission and I agree that both are extremely good films (though they are wildly different).

Your keyboard to God’s ears.

It was WAY FUCKING WORSE. Do not approach for any reason.

I enjoyed it very much, up until that last season, which was so bed-shittingly horrible that I don’t care if they never make another episode.

As someone who understands the rules to neither game, cricket is certainly much more interesting to watch.

A whole lot of white Americans dropped the pretense after Obama was elected.

The series reached the end of the books in Season 5 and went completely off-book in Season 6, silly-billy.

Sorry, never gonna happen. Who gets the assignment to “take all the guns”? What government agency? How do they carry out this assignment? What if they meet resistance?

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On the off chance that you are not joking, here:

When you say “you people,” what exactly do you mean?

It helps if you know that’s their King, and not just some male face on the poster.

Yeah. Every line he speaks sounds like he’s auditioning for a high school play.

“a number of Star Wars’ original plot beats...the desert planet, the plucky rebellion against an omnipresent empire, the boy messiah...share surface similarities to Herbert’s landmark novel. ‘Most of the main ideas of Star Wars are coming from Dune...’”

In the trailer Blair and Cage deliver a couple lines about ten seconds before the end that sold me on this movie (nope, not spoiling it; you’re on the Internet; look it the fuck up).

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Looking at earlier comments debating the meaning of “one-hit-wonder,” I’m’a include Crowded House as one-hit wonders in the US, and share this, which is so gorgeous it often leaves me in tears.

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Since so many of you are so depressingly young, this band’s one hit was “Walk Away Renee” in 1967.

“Smart: Trump :: Genius : _________”

He doesn’t know how to spell intelligence.