Too Much Cowbell

While S3 was still Good Television and worth watching, I have to admit that it does not measure up to the first two seasons (S2 was such a glorious thing).

You’re the racist, for noticing my racism!”

You claim to be a teacher, yet you have no conception of metaphor?


I didn’t think she was unsympathetic or a “bad” parent, but she made the wrong choices. I was so enraged by her sneaking Plan B into her daughter’s body (you don’t feed people anything without their knowledge/consent! You don’t!) that when [spoiler, climactic scene] I was practically yelling encouragement.

I need to know the full story behind “PENIS CAUGHT IN FOOSBALL TABLE.” Illustrations may be necessary.

Yes to this. I see this “but nothing’s happening!” attitude in comments everywhere I go. Do grown people really think that matters of this magnitude are resolved instantly?


Way to miss the entire fucking point of this article and then highlight your idiocy in the comments.

There are very few universal truths in this life; but here is one: When your SO tells you, “I think we should see other people” (or any variation thereof), your SO already has a specific person in mind.

Annoying. The audio was barely intelligible and this little nothing of a story could have been told in less than half the time that was taken.

Cat food cans come in two basic sizes (at least in the US). I don’t know whether to be impressed or frightened.

I used to think the same thing, but since he’s grown up, all you have to do is compare photos of Harry with photos of Prince Philip. The resemblance is all the way down to the skull—he’s Charles’s boy, all right.

The ones I remember best, and as being some of the most intricate and brilliant, were the “Beatles Issue;” the issue “The First Thousand Days” where Jackie was assassinated instead of JFK, and he was still president into the 1970s; and a later one all about “Townville, Iowa.”

You did not dream it. See my earlier comment. If you loved the magazine you will love the documentary about it.

1) I won’t care about this until I find out who is playing Michael O’Donoghue. “If You Don’t Buy This Magazine...” was his joke, and it was the greatest joke of the latter 20th Century.

Graham the elder is one of those exceptions that test the rule. He was an evangelist according to the original meaning of the word: not political except where political situations intersected with the teachings of his faith. I cordially detest evangelism by either definition, original or modern; but having grown up in

“I want to fly one.”

Jesus Christ, you NEVER give chicken bones to a dog. They’re hollow. They splinter and can cause perforations in the dog’s intestines.

The poor man is still trying to get into his office; he’s forgotten how to doorknob.