Tony Macaroni

Guinness is breakfast to an Irishman.

You don't like whiskey or Guinness?

Arguably, I think it's heads and shoulders above almost all other Bond opening songs with the exception of maybe a couple others.

You wanted to go to Arizona State?

Connery aged pretty horribly—I was watching Diamonds Are Forever and he looks like he's in his 50s, yet he's barely 40. By the time he did The Untouchables he was in his 50s and was ready to only play old grandpa roles.

Rufus Excalibur ffolkes was the character name—-and according to Wikipedia the lower-case spelling of ffolkes is correct.

A View To A Kill was the Bond film that had been released the previous year when I started watching Bond films as a kid, and I remember being really excited when it was on TV for a few years(and loved the opening ski/snowboard chase). Though re-watching it more recently—it's one of the Bond films that seems the

The disco Bond '77 theme is great too…

There'd always be a scene where Bond was in a meeting with M and the Minister of Defense and Bond would impress them with his knowledge of submarines or geography or something…

I was just getting into Bond films as wee lad when Moore's run as Bond was coming to an end—so going back and watching the Moore films along with Connery's films on video was a big thing for me. Actually I remember liking a lot of Moore's films better at that point since as a kid(though later I appreciated some of

A Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker are basically the quintessential formulaic Bond films—I mean they follow the Bond formula to a t in every regard(crazy opening sequence, villains with crazy over-the-top hideout, the rule of three Bond girls, and so on). They're so packed with cool stunts and gadgets and exotic

Golden Gun could totally have been an interesting Bond film, but the comletely ruin the execution of everything—you have cool locations for Bond(Macau and Thailand), one of the best actors for villains, a cool concept with Bond meeting his equal—and then you just get a slide whistle ruining a crazy stunt and yes..

This is gonna make a great movie.

Idaho is even weirder than Montana is some ways.

Maybe part of the reason is that if people from the East Coast or Midwest ever drove to or through Montana they probably hit the flat and endless Great Plains section of Eastern Montana first—-whereas if you're coming from the western US you'll probably hit the beautiful Rocky Mountains portion of Western Montana

Montana is a huge state though, so you can be in some neighboring states or provinces and be closer to Glacier than other parts of Montana(Spokane and Calgary is closer to Glacier than Billings and Bozeman are). Amazingly, Glacier is actually is in the top 10 National Parks in terms of annual visitors, even if seemed

Do most people really not know that? I mean a lot of people relocate to Montana to be near the mountains in the western half of the state from other parts of the West—and Glacier and Yellowstone and the Beartooth Highway seem to get a lot of tourists.

Also working with Dr. Henry Jekyll and the secret organization of Prodigium will be the brilliant Dr. Acula.

I think you should always start with Dracula.

Occasionally there's also a Hunter S. Thompson get-up with sunglasses and a long cigarette holder.