Tony Macaroni

Bardem just thought he was going out for tapas and before he knew it he was waking up chained to a chair at Universal Studios.

William Hung is…Mao Tse-Tung

They could've done that for much, much cheaper.

Damn, the Swayze-bot is nailing the KellyLynch-bot again. He's throwing her against the rocks!

Just program the robots to feel pain—then this shit gets interesting.

I wrote that just in reference to the Pearl Jam song, but then felt bad when I remembered the other recent news from last week again.

- Eddie Vedder

Yeah, and who doesn't love a freak show? Those are still okay right?

Yeah, I hope he's not gone for good, I always enjoyed his posts and opinions, even if I didn't agree with all of them.

The Orb is great! I love 90s ambient house music…but how did they end up in Saudi Arabia?

Grunge became sort of a marketing label that got applied to the big four bands out of Seattle—when you listen to Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, and Nirvana today, it's clear that apart from distorted guitars, angst, and being from Seattle, they didn't have as much similarity as portrayed at the time(and

Mama Mia, Pappa Pia: Baby's Eating Diarrhea

If they flunk out they might have to start over in Community-ish.

Weiner in Club Fed sounds like a bad 80s comedy.

Feel lucky that you missed it.

They gave him his own oil well.

There was a whole era of post-9/11 country music that was basically South Park parodies come to life.

"You guys like Beer for My Horses…uh, I mean here's my hit song, Tea for My Camels!"

We need Minaj, she knows the secret to extracing the methane.

Oh my god…you cracked the code!