Tony Macaroni

Did he ever!

Ha, has anyone made a Married With Children joke yet?

Having a coupon for Coupon: The Movie was the most obvious viral marketing strategy ever.

Do you even bother to peel them? I mean, really…

They're both great in their own way.

And meanwhile Donald Glover is laughing all the way to the Star Wars bank in the Millennium Falcon as Young Lando.

Ha, you don't have that much wildfire left!

Code of Hammurabi: Dawn of Justice

Or appeared in Tombstone.

"The first round of building, in the 1830s, met with objections from conservation groups who wanted the island to be a park"

Probably between myself and several of my closest friends we all had copies of this album on CD or vinyl so it seems weird that it's now considered obscure…but we were all music nerds who would buy almost everything on Def Jux in that period.

In retrospect I feel like that era of rap on those labels sort of has the same relation to a lot of modern rap as indie rock and punk of the 80s had to alternative rock of the 90s—it was sort of a fertile spawning ground of creativity though a lot of it was too early for more mass appeal. I used to buy almost

He got more than a hug from Clyde Tolson.

Or why didn't he just play basketball for a living?

Ha, I knew there was a chance that one or more of those artists mentioned is actually pretty good, but I went ahead and made the joke. I'll check out Nnamdi.

Orange is the New Orphan Blacklist Mirror…instant hit.

- Mike Pence

How about Gus, the football playing mule?

And how do they have opening bands named Tancred, iji,T-rextasy and Nnamdi Ogbonnaya? It's like someone was making up fake band names but lost interest and just started hitting the keyboard randomly.

Hot take, bro…