Tony Macaroni

That's what drove the "Smooth Operator" killer to murder in the 80s, as he went on a killing spree, coast-to-coast, New York to Chicago, until they caught him down in Key Largo.

I've had Steely Dan's "Peg" stuck in my head all week (though late last night it was replaced by a song by Blood Orange that came up on a Spotify mix). The weather has been good again though, so I always get Yacht Rock-era chestnuts stuck in my head when we get warm spring temperatures, and Steely Dan can get stuck

Dear White People: Drop Dead!

Skip Marley? Oh wow, we're onto Bob Marley grandkids now…

They have bands called Okey Dokey and The Okee Dokee Brothers?

And that's the Chicago way!

Two and a Halfman
The Westeros Wing

I Want A New Script

Imagine how confusing it would be if the bulldog directed movies and the younger brother got an associate producer credit.

Between Steve Buscemi, Chloë Sevigny, Richard Gere, Laura Linney, Steve Coogan, Rebecca Hall, Marisa Tomei,Timothy Olyphant,Christopher Lloyd and Parker Posey…this kid could be the next Kevin Bacon.

I wonder when there will be a 90s high school movie that looks back at the era in nostalgia like Dazed and Confused did for the 70s or American Graffiti for the early 60s?

The problem with the second and third films was that with a few exceptions(like Michael Caine's character), they moved away from satirizing 60s spy films and British pop culture(or the fish out of water element of Austin) into just being collections of gross out humor and skit ideas that Myers probably had since SNL.

Actually from someone who dined at the "authentic ninja restaurant" for tourists in Tokyo, that's pretty close to the actual experience.

"Colonel, I'm afraid we lost Sir Rod Stewart, Sir Michael Gambon and Bob Geldof in a frontal assault on the Spanish positions."

Who said it didn't?

Accidental Ninja starring Hattori Hanzo

C'mon, everyone knows the ninja industry already crashed in the late-80s right around the time of American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt.

They call that "the twizzler".

drink, smoke pot, wear women's clothing, eat a whole lasagna with your hands, call in bomb threats to day care centers

Yeah well, I've been in the peel business since my great-grandfather started a little company making stainless steel vegetable peelers in the early 1900s.